Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China on Thursday (10 10 (10 10 (10 10 (10 10 (10 10On the 19th), when I met with Apple CEO Cook in Beijing, I hope that Apple will continue to take root in China and invest in China to further improve the level and level of cooperation with China.

According to the WeChat Micro News, Jin Zhuanglong and Cook exchanged opinions on topics such as Apple's development in China and the industrial chain supply chain cooperation.

Jin Zhuanglong said that China supports the construction of an open world economy, which will fully cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing industry and expand market access such as digital products.It is hoped that Apple will continue to take root in China and invest in China, further improve the level and level of cooperation with China, actively participate in the process of industrialization of China's new type of industrialization, and achieve mutual benefit and win -win results.

Cook said that Apple is willing to actively participate in the high -quality development of China's economy, continue to promote green manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing in China, continuously enrich the developer ecology, and support the growth of the industrial chain supply chain partners.

Cook's visit to China again after half a year, the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao, when meeting with Cook on Wednesday (18th), emphasized that China welcomes multinational companies, including Apple, to share the Chinese market dividends.

Cook on Monday (16th) to Apple's flagship store in Taikoo Li, Chengdu, and watched a king glory show.He visited the local tea gardens and primary schools in Ya'an, Sichuan on Tuesday (17th) to watch how students use iPad programming to control the drone. Visit the Lixun Precision Factory located in Jiashan, Zhejiang on Wednesday, and visited the Apple Watch production line.