The son of Hu Jintao, former general secretary of the Communist Party of China, and Hu Haifeng, Secretary of the Lishui Municipal Party Committee of Zhejiang, performed the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Chinese Civil Affairs on Tuesday, and entered the deputy ministerial level, which also meant that he returned to Beijing after 14 years of work in Zhejiang.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China issued the news of the appointment and removal of the State Council on Tuesday (January 16) in the afternoon, and appointed Hu Haifeng as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

The official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs also updated the leadership column that night, showing that the deputy minister of the ministry increased from the original four to five, including Tang Chengpei, Zhang Chunsheng, Zhan Chengfu, and Li Baojun; Hu Haifeng ranked at the end of the five deputy ministers.

According to the information published by the official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Hu Haifeng is also a member of the Communist Party of China, a graduate degree, and a doctor of management.

The 51 -year -old Hu Haifeng is an "post -70s" official. Before the new performance, he has served as the main office for more than 10 years, and has local party and government experience.

Public information shows that Hu Haifeng is a native of Jixi, Xuancheng, Anhui. He graduated from Northern Jiaotong University (renamed Beijing Jiaotong University in 2003) and has a master's degree in business management (EMBA) of senior management staff of Tsinghua University.After work in 1998, Hu Haifeng has served as senior engineer of Tsinghua Holdings Co., Ltd. and president of Tongfang Weisan Technology Co., Ltd.

Hu Haifeng arrived in Zhejiang at the end of 2009 and served as the secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in Zhejiang Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta.The college is co -established by Zhejiang and Tsinghua University's exploring provincial school cooperation model. The headquarters is headquartered in Jiaxing.

After Hu Jintao stepped down in the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, his only son Hu Haifeng stepped into politics.Hu Haifeng went to Jiaxing City in northeast Zhejiang in May 2013, served as Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee (posting), and three months later he served as principal of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee.

Hu Haifeng served as Deputy Secretary of the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Legal Committee in March 2014 to assist the secretary of the municipal party committee in charge of party building work and be responsible for political and legal, united front, agricultural and rural areas, groups, dual support, and petitions.mayor.

Jiaxing is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China.Chinese officials led the new Politburo Standing Committee to Jiaxing in 2017 to admire Nanhu Red Ship.

Five years after working in Jiaxing, Hu Haifeng was promoted to the secretary of the Lishui Municipal Party Committee in June 2018 and became the youngest prefecture -level city secretary in Zhejiang. Later

Lishui is located in southwestern Zhejiang and borders Fujian Province. It is the largest prefecture -level city in Zhejiang and jurisdiction over Qingtian and other counties. However, the population is only 2.69 million, and the economy is less developed.

During the official administration of Chinese officials in Zhejiang, it had been investigated in Lishui eight times, pointing out that "green mountains and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan, especially for Lishui."When Chinese official hosted in Wuhan in April 2018, he also "liked" Lishui when he hosted a seminar on the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Hu Haifeng once said that work in Lishui is particularly fulfilled, and said that the focus of work is to transform "value of ecological products for value."

Since the Lord of Lishui, Hu Haifeng has repeatedly reported that Hu Haifeng has been promoted to the Secretary of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the secretary of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Fujian Province, and the Mayor of Dalian, but in the end it is not true.

Hu Haifeng's last appearance in the public vision was on December 27 last year.The Lishui Municipal Party Committee held an all -(enlarged) meeting on the same day. On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Hu Haifeng made a work report and made a concluding speech.

On the other hand, Hong Kong media pointed out that Hu Haifeng returned to Beijing to stay in Beijing to accompany his poor father.

Hu Jintao, who was just 81 years old last month, left the scene midway in the 2022 major closing ceremony of the Communist Party of China in 2022. The official explained that he was unwell at the time.Hu Jintao's last public appearance was when the death of President Jiang Zemin's death before December 2022, he went to the hospital to send goodbye to Jiang.