Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate in Taiwan, execute the election officeChang Jincong denied his false remarks, indicating that he would sue the former legislator Cai Zhengyuan of the Kuomintang and Chen Wenqian, a senior media person in Taiwan to defend his innocence.

Comprehensive Ling Media and Dongsen News reported that Jin Jicong issued a statement on Monday (January 15), on Monday (January 15), saying that Chen Wenqian, a senior media person in Taiwan, and former Kuomintang legislator Cai Zhengyuan Sunday (1 1 (1 1 (1On the 14th), in the TVBS program, he stained him with a false poll and released the news of the former president Ma Ying -jeou's office CEO Xiao Xuzen to visit Lu to give Mirror Weekly to destroy blue and white combination and unity.Blood mouth spray.

Jin Jicong said, in order to clarify the truth and defend his innocence and reputation, "I will take legal actions and tell them."

The spokesman Huang Zizhe said that these malicious allegations are completely inconsistent with the facts. In the past, Hou Jingqi has been solemnly clarified.It is very regrettable, and Hou Jing's office has condemned.