On February 7, 2023, for Ms. Luo, the sky collapsed.On this day, she went to the fifth grade of elementary school to make a small paid and died in the Huangwai Hanlin Experimental School of Conghua District, Guangzhou (fall from a high place). After many days of rescue, she died.

Pharma photos.Photo Conferring

Upstream news (report mailbox: [email protected]) The reporter learned that on the day of the incident, Xiao Fu told the teacher Liu's own suicide intention that he had not avoided tragedy after talking.Ms. Luo believes that this is the school's managing negligence and sued it to court.

On December 29, 2023, the Conghua District People's Court of Guangzhou made a first trial judgment to determine that the school assumed 40%of the responsibilities, and judged the school to compensate more than 320,000 yuan and apologize to Ms. Luo.Ms. Luo said that both sides appealed.

The school did not notify the parents after learning the intention of suicide

After hearing by the court, it was found that the next day at the start of the new semester, at 14:30 on February 7, 2023, the class teacher Liu found an anonymous note at the teacher's desk behind the classroom."Teacher Liu, do you think I want to commit suicide? If you see it."

anonymous small note.Photo Conferring

At around 16:00 on the day, the head teacher Liu reported to the fifth grade head through WeChat.At around 17:30, Xiao Fu found the head teacher, and the two sides talked about anonymous note.At around 18:14, Liu talked and dredged with Xiaoyu again.

At about 20:25 on the same day, Xiao Fu placed his testament on the desk of the class teacher Liu.At around 20:34, Xiaofu fell from the 6th floor of the school dormitory building.Xiao Fu's suicide note consists of two parts, saying goodbye and apology to the head teacher and parents.

The court also found out that after the class teacher Liu knew that after Xiao Fu had suicide intentions, the school did not notify the parents in time, nor did it take effective measures to conduct necessary supervision and the school psychologist's guidance of the school, and prevented small payment from paying small payment.Practice suicide.

After the falling incident, the hospital was treated for several days, and the small payment died on February 28, 2023. During the period, the medical expenses had been paid by the school.

Why commit suicide?The two sides of the court trial each hold the word

Before the start of the new semester, Ms. Luo did not find her son's abnormalities. Xiao Fu participated in interest and public welfare activities as always.Therefore, Ms. Luo believes that when the school knows the intention of small suicide, if the parents are notified early or adopt other measures to effectively intervene, the tragedy may not happen.

In addition, Ms. Luo learned afterwards that on February 6, the day before the incident, Xiao Fu wrote in the diary, because he was unfamiliar with the environment and smiled by his classmates by classmates.He once inquired about how to commit suicide in the computer class, and expressed his intention to the class teacher many times in the afternoon.And all this happened in the school, but it was not valued. Management of negligence should bear all the responsibilities of small payment death.

The judgment shows that the school argued that it was deeply sorry for the death of Xiao Fu, but the school was not responsible.The school proposed that Xiao Fu's diary showed that during the winter vacation, Xiao Fu wrote "I committed suicide now" because of "being scolded by XXX", and this situation has occurred twice.

The school said that at 19:00 on the evening of February 7 before Xiao Fu's fall, Liu's head teacher Liu had a heart about Xiao Fu after seeing the diary.During the period, Xiao Fu talked about his mother's trouble and pressure at home.After the conversation, the teacher thought that Xiao Fu was very relaxed and his mood was very good. You must keep confidential when receiving his request, and do not tell parents.

The school believes that although Xiafu in the diary is embarrassed by other students' swear words or ridicule of mistakes to enter the women's toilet, it is not the main reason for (suicide).At present, the police have determined to commit suicide after investigation and eliminate his killing.Whether the teacher and the school are soothing before the incident, the medical expenses paid after the incident, they have been dealt with.And the testament shows that Xiaofu is not dissatisfied with the school.

Ms. Luo said that she is also a teacher, so I do n’t know about Xiaoyu's own diary. "We must respect the privacy of the child and never look at his diary. ThereforeIf you are scolded, you will not deny that although you have n’t seen it at first. I know that the incident will be public, and someone will definitely attack me. It does n’t matter, it ’s normal to occasionally red face in family education.”

The school has negligence in education management, and the court rules 40%

Conghua District Court believes that this case is a dispute over the education institution.The school should conduct social life guidance, mental health counseling and adolescent education in accordance with the characteristics of the physical and mental development of minor students.If a person with a restriction on civilian behavior is subject to personal damage during school or other educational institutions, if the school or other educational institutions fail to do their duties, they shall bear the liability for infringement.

At the time of the incident, Xiao Fu is 11 years old. It is a person who restricts civil behavior capabilities. He should have certain cognition and foresight of his behavior. It should be foreseeable that jumping from the 6th floor will have serious consequences.Therefore, the case involved in the case is subjective and intentional to the occurrence of the falling incident. It is the main cause of the case involving the case and should bear the main responsibility.

On the other hand, Conghua Huangwai Hanlin Experimental School, as a closed boarding school, failed to pay attention to the abnormal psychological changes of students when performing education and management responsibilities, and conducted timely and effective guidance.When Xiaofu issued a "suicide signal", it did not cause high vigilance and attention. It had negligence in education and management. It had certain faults in the incident of the case of the case.For the reason, the secondary responsibility shall be assumed.

In summary, according to factors such as small payment and school fault and the degree of force in the event, the court shall identify the defendant Huang Waihanlin Experimental School in response to the case of the case of the case of falling in the case as appropriate, and assume 40%of the responsibility.

After the first instance of the Conghua District Court deducts the fees, the medical expenses, hospital food subsidies, nursing fees, death compensation, funeral expenses, mental damage soothing money is required for a total of 320298.66 yuan.Ap with an open way to apologize and reject Ms. Luo other requests.

Ms. Luo said that she has not received the school's apology so far, and both sides have also appealed.Upstream journalists called the staff of Huangwai Hanlin Experimental School, expressing their inconvenience to be interviewed.

Small payments are excellent, donating organs to treat 5 people

Film Fu's life is excellent."In the district test of the previous semester, the son won the first class." In Ms. Luo's eyes, the son was very sensible and cheerful.

Xiao Fu was born on June 17, 2011 by Ms. Luo through test tube. Ms. Luo, who was born in 1973, was an elderly mother.After the death of Xiao Fu, Ms. Luo and her husband donated Xiao Fu's kidney, heart, liver and other body organs to the Red Cross, so that 5 patients in need can be treated.The relevant person in charge of the Guangdong Red Cross said that because of the good physical development and nutritional state, it can help adults after matching.

How to take care of young people's mental health

Yue Chunhe, deputy chief physician of the emergency department of Beijing Tongren Hospital, Yue Chunhe, a national secondary psychological counselor, said in an interview with the media, "Children put on the mouth of life and dead", "Crying and calling and saying that they don't want to go to school", "The introverted child, it seems that it is suddenly cheerful, even a little noise." These are often not valued.It may be a warning of children on the verge of extremely dangerous margins, and even the last for help issued.

Yue Chunhe believes that the effective communication and companionship of parents in daily education is critical to young psychological health.Parents should try to intervene or even control their children with the thinking of adults as much as possible. They must be rejoiced from the child's perspective and understand the child's heart.In addition, we must also pay attention to helping children to establish a self -assessment system, let children learn to balance the internal and external evaluation system, fundamentally reduce the negative impact of the outside world on the child's psychological, and avoid self -denial.

Zhu Min, the head of the 21st Century Kindergarten in Beijing, publicly suggested that it should be led by the government and the department to build a three -in -one prevention barrier to the school, family and society.For example, it can be led by government departments to organize experts and professional teachers to develop life education courses together; strengthen the communication of home schools, timely discover the negative emotions of young people and effectively interfere, ensure the normal operation of suicide prevention work; build a psychological crisis and social support network throughout the country.And suicide intervention networks, establish suicide prevention special agencies, such as psychological clinics, psychological hotlines, etc.

Upstream journalist Wang Kai