South Korea has caused serious disasters for two consecutive years due to severe rainstorms. The government vowed to strengthen preparations for extreme weather last year, but this year, 41 people still lost their lives due to heavy rain.Experts say that the government does not do enough.President Yin Xiyue vowed to "completely reform" to cope with extreme weather.

South Korea has caused serious disasters across the country. As of Monday (July 17), 41 people have died and nine disappeared.Among them, a underground tunnel in Qingzhou City was flooded by the flood, which caused 17 vehicles, including a bus, to destroy and take 14 lives.

South Korea ’s Central Disaster Headquarters said in the explanation of the flooding of the tunnel that at 8:40 am last Saturday (15th), the heavy rainfall caused the water level of the Meihu River in Qingzhou City, Zhongqing, to the river.The underground tunnel with a length of 685 meters next to it has mud -yellow river water pouring from the right side like a waterfall, which causes the tunnel to be submerged in a short period of time, with a water accumulation of about 60,000 tons.

The miserable buses include the local 747 bus bus.The bus did not pass through this underground road. Due to heavy rain, he drove into the death tunnel.At that time, the bus was only five minutes left to drive away.

It is understood that at the time of the incident, the river embankment was broken, and the river water suddenly poured into the tunnel. In less than two minutes, the water rose to the windshield of the bus.Due to the fierceness of the water, the bus was trapped in the underground road. The driver (58 years old), the driver of Li, also tried to smash the window glass in order to let the passengers escape.

Ms. An (24 years old), who was killed in the result of the buses in order to travel with my friends, called her friends and said, "The bus has risen, and the driver's uncle said that he would smash the window for us.Escape. "

It is reported that there were 10 people including drivers, including a driver at the time of the incident, except for a passenger who was lucky to escape, the remaining nine people died.

The linkage error of the security management system causes the tragedy

South Korean government officials said that the police plan to set up a task force to investigate the flooding accidents in the underground roads in Qingzhou, and investigate the responsibility of relevant departments such as roads and embankment management.

According to the results of the Korean government's preliminary investigation, one or two hours before the incident, the police had received calls to "let residents escape" and "emergency control underground tunnels."Korean media believe that the flooding accident in the underground tunnel is a tragedy caused by the linkage of the safety management system between Zhongqing North Road and Qingzhou City.

South Korea and North Korea Daily pointed out that last year, the heavy rain in the capital circle and the typhoon "Xinnanuo" in Lingnan area caused dozens of people to die or disappear, including a family of three lives living in the semi -underground house in Seoul and a trapped in Puxiangmou Moumou.Seven people in the apartment underground parking lot.After the accident last year, although the government was determined to actively respond and prevent similar incidents, it did not expect that this year's heavy rain took away innocent lives.

Experts point out that although the government promises to make better response for extreme weather, it has not allocated the required funds, and the expenditure is still too much attention to recovery, and insufficient attention to prevention.Prevention is critical to maximize damage and life losses.

Yin Xiyue went to the affected Qing Shangbei Road on Monday and pointed out that extreme weather has become the norm, and he should usually prevent it.He believes that government officials must completely abandon the thinking of "unable to fight abnormal phenomena", and prepare for climate change with "extraordinary determination".

South Korea is at the peak of the summer monsoon season, and more rainfall is expected to be this week.Yin Xiyue showed that all resources will be mobilized, including the military and the police to assist in disaster relief.