Ukraine Internal Affairs Secretary Advisers Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie JieNathanko wrote in Facebook: "Before being forced to enter the final negotiations, they (Russia) needed at least some victory. Therefore, our task was to resist the offensive in the next seven to 10 days."

(Kiev Composite Electric) Russia invaded Ukraine for two weeks for two weeks. The disadvantage of the Ukrainian government evaluates. The next seven to 10 days must resist the Russian offensive, so as not to let Moscow prevent Moscow.Have the opportunity to claim to win any form of victory.Yesterday (March 9), the Kremlin accused Washington with economic war against Russia.

Jernesonko, a consultant to Ukraine in the Ukraine, said on Wednesday that Russia urgently hopes to achieve at least some kind of victory and capture the Southeast Mali Ubol or the capital Kiev is the most likely.He wrote in his facebook: "Before being forced to enter the final negotiation, they need to achieve at least some victory. Therefore, our task is to resist the offensive in the next seven to 10 days."

In Washington, the head of the US intelligence agency confessed to Congress on Tuesday that although Russia's invasion of Ukraine suffered setbacks and fell into economic difficulties due to international sanctions, Russian President Putin may still increase its attack.

They estimate that this conflict has killed 2,000 to 4,000 Russian army, and said that Russia is feeling the impact of sanctions, but the situation of the Ukraine may become worse.Grain may be exhausted within two weeks.

However, the US Department of Defense said at the daily briefing of the Ukrainian situation on Tuesday that although the Russian army lost some military, military vehicles and military aircraft, about 95 % of the Russian forces were still intact.

The US Department of Defense officials said that the Russian army near Kiev has hardly made progress in recent days; in Chelneverv and Halkov in the north, the advancement of the Russian army has also encountered stubborn resistance of opponents.And the Russian army still seems to be troubled by logistics, including fuel and food shortage.However, while promoting frustration on the ground, the Russian air and missile attacks are increasing. "Whether or not they are interested, they hit the residential areas and folk goals while cracking down on military and government facilities."

The official said: "We still have sufficient reasons to believe that the purpose of the Russian army is to surround Kiev and force Kiev to surrender."

Earlier that day, Russia and Ukraine agreed to arrange again.The ceasefire allows civilians to evacuate the explosive area.Vice Premier Wileshak said that Moscow promised to cease fire in six areas of severe damage to the surrounding areas of Kiev, the southern Zapolo region, and the northeast in six areas of 9 pm (Singapore 3 pm) to 9 pm.Some areas.The surrounding areas of Kiev, including Ilping and Buchang in the northwest, will be evacuated to Kiev to avoid the violent bombing of the Russian army.

Ukrainian President Zelei Sky then said that civilians have begun to evacuate from the town around Kiev and the Northeast.He also revealed that about 18,000 people fled the surrounding town around Kiev on Tuesday, and about 5,000 people left Sumi.

Grandi, a senior commissioner of the United Nations refugee affairs, said on Wednesday that as many as 2.2 million people have escaped from Ukraine since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.Although most refugees have voted for relatives and friends so far, more people may have nowhere to go, and the official must prepare for this as soon as possible.

In Moscow, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zaharava, said on Wednesday that Russia's negotiations with Ukraine have made some progress, and the next round of talks will be concentrated in the humanitarian corridor of evacuation civilians.

She said that the purpose of Russia is not to overthrow the Ukrainian government and occupy and destroy the country.She said that Russia wants to ensure that Ukraine is neutral; Russia is more willing to achieve their goals through negotiations.

The Kremlin has accused the United States offend Russia's oil imports

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov accusing the United States for banning Russian oil imports on Wednesday.He said that sanctions in the United States and Europe are hostile behaviors and disturb the global economy and financial markets; he said that the latest US sanctions will not know how much commotion will it bring to the global energy market.

International Credit Rating Corporation has lowered Russia's rating to the second low level C. "The C rating reflects Russia's sovereignty breach of contract." Fitch said in a statement: "Sanctions on Russia sanctions on RussiaIt has continuously increased the probability of Russia to take measures, which may at least breach the creditor. "