(Morning News) Ukraine's ambassador to the United States Malcarova refers to the attack on Russia on Friday (February 25), which is more fierce and harmonious.To attack.But she said that Moscow's troops were not pushed as planned, and Kiev was firmly controlled in Ukraine.

Reuters reports that Oksana Markarova said Russia deliberately locks some civilian facilities and hospitals in Ukraine.Ukrainian officials are collecting evidence about the crime of war in order to submit it to the International Criminal Court.

Malcarova said that the President of Ukraine Zeleki was still in Kiev, and pointed out that Zeleianzi and the US President Biden called on Friday, and said that the two men's calls were "very effective."

In response to Russia's capture of Chel Nobel Nuclear Power Station, and captured 92 personnel and the operation of the nuclear power plant and interfere with the operation of the nuclear power plant, Malcalova said: "We pay special attention to the Chernobelli nuclear power plant." She emphasized that "all the responsibilities of the Chel Nobel Nuclear Power Station are now falling on the Russian army and the Russian military."

Ukraine was launched from the Black Sea by a new round of air strikes

(Morning News) Ukraine was attacked by a new round of missiles.

Reuters reported that the Ukrainian military command said that areas near Sumy, Poltava, and Mariupol are stuck on Friday (February 25) in cities such as March (February 25).The Kalibr was attacked and guided the guidance to launch from the Black Sea.