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(Morning News) The South Korean authorities estimate that the large -scale forest fire in the east coast of South Korea is destroyed by 16,755 hectares of forests, an area of more than a quarter of Seoul City, equivalent to 23,466 footballfield.

Yonhap News Agency reported that the Central Disaster Security Countermeasure Headquarters said on Monday (March 7) that specifically, the excessive fire area of Weizhen County, Qingshang Bei Road, 656 hectares of Sanzhang City, Jiangyuan Road, and 656 hectares of Mitsuki City, Jiangyuan Road, and 656 hectares of Mitsuki City, Jiangyuan Road, and 656 hectares of Mitsuki City, Jiangyuan Road, and 656 hectares of Sanzhang City, Jiangyuan Road, and 656 hectares of Mitsuki City, Jiangyuan Road, and 656 hectares of Mitsuki City, Jiangyuan Road, and 656 hectares of Mitsuki City, Jiangyuan Dao.Ningyue County 80 hectares, 1900 hectares of Jiangling City, and 2100 hectares of Donghai City.

There are no reports of casualties at present, but 272 residential houses in Weizhen County have been burned, and 63 in Donghai City have been burned, with a total of 343 buildings.

As of 9 pm on Sunday, 7,355 people with a total of 4,659 households had an emergency avoidance.

If the East Coast Forest Fire area is divided into Weizhen · Sanzhang and Jiangling · Donghai Mountain Fire, plus the mountain fire in Ningyue County, Jiangyuan Daocheng, and Dacheng County, Daqiu City.Fire.

As of 5 am on Monday, the extermination rate of Weizhen · Sanxian Mountain was 40%, and 80%of Jiangling City, Ningyue County and Daqiu Dacheng County each were 50%and 40%.Taking the same period, the mountain forest and the fire department invested a total of 10,000 794 personnel, 95 helicopters, and 781 fire extinguishing firefighting vehicles.