(New York News) Russia invaded Ukraine, causing neighboring countries around countries to invade Ukraine, which makes neighland countries surrounding countries, making neighland countries, making neighland countries around, making neighland countries, making neighland countries around countries, causing neighboring countries to surrounding countries.Unhappy.It is reported that senior Moldova officials discussed the possibility of Russia occupied the country in private, and other former communist countries in Eastern Europe were also worried that the Russian army may not stop in Ukraine.

The New York Times reported that Russia started the war against Ukraine, breaking the order of the Cold War, and clearly stated that Russian President Putin believes that the border of Europe can be re -assigned by force.

The Moldova between Ukraine and Romania may be the most vulnerable.Unlike the three countries of Poland and the Baltic Sea, Moldova is not a member of NATO or the European Union.

A bigger problem is that the Mosdo -Salvonian supported by Moscow occupied a long and narrow land in 1992 to establish a TransnistRIA along the Deyster River.The Republic is not recognized by the international community, including Russia, but Russia has 1,500 arms in the name of maintaining order and guarding the Soviet period.

Someone is worried that if the Russian army advances to the Moldva border, Russia may re -applied his old techniques to recognize the Deyste River coast like a recognition of Ukraine's separated areas, and then occupy and annex the area.

It is reported that Moldova officials have discussed in private to discuss the possibility of Russia's occupation of the entire Moldova."People are scared and really scared. Many people are considering immigrants to avoid becoming refugee."

Although Moldova is a poor country, it is historicallyEastern European power dynamic vane.In more than two centuries, it has become part of the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, the Romanian Kingdom and the Soviet Union.

Former officials along the Deyinster River, Horovov believes that this separated area may now become a new border between Russia and the West, but it is not clear, "Will this border be another iron curtain?Will it be a flexible boundary? "

Some opinion believes that in the short term, the Deinster River may participate in the battle and assist Russia to overcome southwestern Ukraine.But Moldva officials said there was no sign of showing the seeking to participate in the Russian army along the Russian army.

The leadership of the Deyster River also tried to dilute the tension in the recent speech.The region relying on Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union in trade and food supply, and power supply to Moldova is one of its main sources of income.

Local residents are also lacking interest in participating in new armed conflicts.

The 31 -year -old housewife Anandasia said: "I hope that the Deyster River is independent, but what Putin does makes everything worse."

She said that she did not want her child to join the meaningless war when she grew up, and pointed out that the friends around her only wanted to live calmly.

However, Herokov pointed out: "Eurasia is being reshaped. We will not know the common influence of Russia, or Russia and the United States.It is clear, that is, the control is not in our hands. "