(Kiev comprehensive) The Russian army's invasion of Ukraine was not good for many people, but military experts pointed out that the key to the stagnation of the Russian army's offensive is logistics issues because they cannot use Ukraine's railway system to transport fuel fuelSupplys such as grain.

Like the former Soviet Union, almost all supplies use railway transportation.They even build temporary pipelines to transport oil and water to the front line.

Ukraine and Russia use the same railway distance, but before controlling Ukraine's key railway hubs, the Russian army could not use these infrastructure, including Kharkiv, Sume, in the northern city,(Sumy) and Chernihiv, as well as Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Zaporizhzhia in the south.

This means that the Russian army can only use trucks to transport supplies, and trucks are lacking in the Russian army.

The U.S. Army retired Lieutenant Colonel Verheine said: "Another problem of the Russian army is that they have not brought enough manpower ... Ukraine is a big country, and every time the Russian army takes a city, it must leave enough garrisonKeeping this city. "

He also pointed out that the Russian army cannot use temporary conveying tubes because they have not controlled Ukrainian territory and cannot guarantee that the locals do not destroy these pipes.

U.S. officials revealed that 80%of the Russian troops gathered in the Ukraine have entered Ukraine.Vershine said that a brigade of the Russian army is generally 3,000 to 5,000 people and about 400 military vehicles.The car and the car must be kept 50 meters away, so as not to become severe casualties caused by attack targets.

In the case of a large number of troops blocking the road, fuel supply vehicles must provide a supply of military vehicles, or to transport the need to assist the army to cross the bridge that is exploded, which has become a major challenge.

Verheine said that there are many artillery and multi -tube rocket systems carried by the Russian army. It is only necessary to use 90 trucks to load the Russian rocket launchers.As long as the distance supply point exceeds 90 miles (about 145 kilometers), the Russian army does not have enough trucks to meet the demand for logistics.

However, the Russian military expert of the JamestownFoundation of Washington Defense Policy Think Tank, McDmotmot, believes that once the Russian army controls the railway, they can more effectively transport fuel, ammunition and equipment to transportTo the front line.

He said, "You will start to understand why they attach importance to cities such as Halkov ... Once they have railway hubs and can control the railway, they can solve many problems they face."