Jiang Guiying [email protected]

Seoul correspondent

Only four days left from the presidential election of South Korea,North Korea fired a suspected ballistic missile yesterday.The analysis believes that the launch of the missile may be similar to the quasi -mid -range ballistic missile launched on the grounds of "reconnaissance satellites" six days ago.This is the ninth time that North Korea has carried out force demonstrations this year.

South Korea ’s joint staff headquarters said that North Korea launched a ballistic missile in the Shunan area of Pyongyang at about 8:48 am yesterday.The missiles flew up to about 560 kilometers and the range was 270 kilometers.

Analysis pointed out that judging from the range and high -speed parameters, this is similar to the quasi -mid -range ballistic missile launched on the 27th of last month.At that time, the missile detected by the military was about 620 kilometers high and the range was 300 kilometers.

The Presidential Palace of South Korea held a national security conference yesterday to condemn the aircraft launched by North Korea to violate the UN Security Council's resolution and urge North Korea to stop the situation immediately.

South Korea is about to hold a presidential election on the 9th of this month. It seems that it seems that it has become a common practice before and after North Korea's holding of important elections in South Korea.

Relevant sources of the Korean Army revealed yesterday: "Korean and American intelligence officials had a sign of North Korea's launch of ballistic missiles a few days ago, and predicted that (5th) will be launched."

ExpertsIt is pointed out that North Korea has continuously launched missiles since the beginning of this year, not so much to affect the election of a party candidate, it is better to improve the bargaining chips negotiated with the next government.

Experts believe that April 15th is the 110th anniversary of the birthday of the founding leader of North Korea.North Korea may continue to carry out force demonstrations.

Some analysts believe that Russia has led to unstable world situation after Military operations in Ukraine, and North Korea tries to highlight the presence through force demonstrations.

In addition, the US website "38 degrees north latitude" (38 North), the US research on North Korea, pointed out on the 3rd that it has mastered the situation of the natalt facilities of North Korea.And further expand nuclear facilities.