International Special

Jiang Guiying

Seoul Trip

[email protected]

> South Korean presidential election will vote on Wednesday (9th). This election has been determined that the ruling party's joint Democratic presidential candidate Li Zaiming and the maximum of the presidential party candidate of the opposition party of the Wild Party Yin Xiyue. But the two presidential candidates were entangled by the scandal, and many Korean voters said that they could only choose one of the two in "rot" and "more bad".Korean public opinion even described that this is the "worst election" since South Korea's democratization.The woman named Jin who lives in Busan (30 years old) told reporters: "Li Zaiming was involved in the case of real estate corruption, and Yin Xiyue's wife continued to scandals.> There are many Korean people who are similar to ideas.The scandal involved in popular candidates, coupled with the three television debates, ended in chaos, and major issues were unexpected. Many voters were extremely disliked by this election.

Li Zaiming (58 years old, common Democrat●

The mayor of Ren Chengnan for eight years and three years of knowledge of Gyeonggi Road ●


involving prosecutors, drunk driving, participating in fraud cases, etc. ●

Disputes such as illegal gambling of his wife and son ●

The next president does not need to look at the character, and you can do things like a bulldozer.I think that person is Li Zaiming.

-In supporter Jiang Chengfan (48 years old)

Select Li Don to see the performance

Li Zaiming, 58 years old from child labor lawyers to step onEntering politics, his personal experience has "legend".In addition, he has served as the mayor of Gyeonggi -Dao Chengnan City and the knowledge of Gyeonggi -do (equivalent to the provincial executive head) for 11 years. During his tenure, he has outstanding political achievements and rich experience in governing.

Li Zaiming was born on December 22, 1964 in a poor family who burned land in Andong City, Qing Shangbei Road.Because of his poor family, he failed to go to high school in junior high school. After a family moved to the south city of Gyeonggi -do, he worked as a child worker in the factory for six years.

Later, he was half -work and was admitted to the law of law in the Central University of Korea, and was influenced by the late South Korea President Roh Moo -hyun. He embarked on the road of human rights lawyers, mainly to defend his rights.In 2010, Li Zaiming was elected as the mayor of Nanshi, Gyeonggi -do, and his political career began to leap.

During the eight years of the mayor of the south of the city, Li Zaiming was rated as a leader with practical ability and vigor due to the high policy implementation rate.For example, regardless of the opposition of the then President Li Mingbo government, he established a city hospital and successfully implemented a number of welfare causes.

Li Zaiming admits: "Chengnan City Hospital can be said to make me the main driving force for the presidential candidate. When I was a human rights lawyer, I was involved in the citizen movement.After the mayor of Chengnan, in the face of the government's opposition, I still insisted on building a municipal hospital. As a result, after the outbreak of the crown disease, the Chengnan Medical Institute, as a key treatment hospital for crown disease, is rewriting the history of public medicine. "

For a long time, Li Zaiming's positive attitude attitude and blunt speaking have won the trust of many people; the history of struggle with the poverty -stricken struggle when he was a teenager, and also aroused the emotional resonance of ordinary people and won the favor of voters.

Li Zaiming said when he recently visited Incheon: "The reason for my politics is to create a fair world and hopeful country for those who want to escape poverty and feel desperate."

Publicly supports Li Zaiming's funny actor Jiang Chengfan (48 years old) said: "He is different from other politicians. He speaks frankly and has no scruples.You can do the same person. I think that person is Li Zaiming. "

Li Zaiming recently arrived at the hometown of Park Jung -hee's hometown of the late President Park Jung -hee to attend the event when attending the event:" As soon as Park Jung -hee is mentioned, people willWill think of 'motivation, big hard work'. Do you think he is very similar to me? I said, I will do it. "

However, Li Zaiming's biggest weakness is "moral controversy".He was suspected of pretending to be a prosecutor and four illegal acts such as the drunk driving, and was also accused of the "Dazhuang Cave Real Estate Fraud Case", which was suspected of participating in two key figures.

It is understood that when Li Zaiming was the mayor of Chengnan City, the staff was accused of helping the asset management company "Huotian Da You" passed the Dazhuangdong real estate project to obtain the profit of hundreds of billions of won (hundreds of millions of dollars)EssenceAfter the prosecutor began the investigation, two relevant people committed suicide.At the same time, Li Zaiming had faced the controversy of the "insulting sister -in -law" video exposure and nephew murderer debate. His wife Jin Huijing enjoyed the "special treatment" and his son's illegal gambling incident, which also made him apologize many times.

Although he and his family scandal, Li Zaiming's ability to govern was still affirmed by many supporters.

Cui Enying (41 years old), who lives in Busan, was interviewed by Lianhe Morning Post: "I support the conservative national power party, but I don't like Yin Xiyue. He has no political experience and has not done well as a president.Ready. From the perspective of personal ability, I think Li Zaiming is more reliable. Although I have heard his recording of his abuse on the Internet, this is a private affairs and has nothing to do with work ability. "

Shen Shen, who lives in Seoul,The man (48 years old) also held the same view and said, "I don't consider other issues, because Li Zaiming performs well when he is the executive head of the executive.What is the character? "

Yin Xiyue (62 years old, the National Power Party)

Strong item:

● In 26 years of prosecutors, he is responsible for multiple politicians cases

● "Anti -Text Banner"


● Only half a year of politics

● The wife and mother -in -law involve fraudulent cases affect "justice"Image

I was angry with Wen Zaiyin's government, so I didn't want to cast it to the ruling party.I hope Yin Xiyue will build a country with "justice".

—— Ms. Qian Qian (45 years old)

Instead of seeing "qualifications" to see justice

Candidate Yin Xiyue (62 years old) has been a prosecutor for 26 years. He has commanded the investigation of Roh Moo -hyun's illegal political fund case, Li Mingbo illegally manipulating the presidential election case, and Park Geun -hye's "girlfriend's dry policy case".

Yin Xiyue was appointed by Wen Zaiyin as the chief procuratorial chief, and was regarded as a "anti -Wen flag bearer" for opposing the reform of the procuratorial system. He then resigned and joined the National Power Party to become a presidential candidate.In other words, the anger of the Korean people's anger for the Wenzai government is Yin Xiyue's popularity.

Yin Xiyue proposed campaign slogans such as "restoring justice and common sense" and "establishing a country that is no longer angry", and claimed to be "the president of the public".Although Yin Xiyue, who was born in prosecutors, had a good moral image, was only half a year in politics and was a newcomer in politics. She was carrying the weakness of non -government affairs and lacking political literacy.

Yin Xiyue was born on December 18, 1960 in Seoul. His father was a professor at the Business School of Yanshi University and had a sister.In his childhood, he dreamed of becoming an economist, but in his fatherThe persuasion of "doing more specific knowledge" was admitted to the Law Department of Seoul University.

After graduating from college, he took nine years and passed the judicial examination. As an experience of prosecutors in his later years, he was known as the "knife and hand" after investigating major special cases during the Roh Moo -hyun government.

Investigation of Wen Zaiyin's heart scandal has attracted much attention

Since 2003, he is responsible for investigating major corruption cases in South Korea and successively served as the Central Investigation Department of the Procuratorate.And the special department of the Special Department of the Central Procuratorate of Seoul.

In 2013, the National Intelligence Institute had made Yin Xiyue's reputation, but because he did not rise and fall, he was put in the local procuratorial system for four years because he did not rise and fall.Until the "Park Geun -hye girlfriend's girlfriend" incident, he was reused to investigate the matter again.In 2017, Wen Zaiyin officially reused Yin Xiyue and appointed him as the chief prosecutor. During his tenure, Yin Xiyue sent Park Geun -hye and Li Mingbo to prison.

The "Cao State Incident" that occurred in 2019 was an important turning point in politics after Yin Xiyue.

Cao Guo (55 years old) is the leader of the South Korean criminal litigation law. He was once a professor at Seoul University.After Wen Zaiyin came to power, Cao Guo became the chief secretary of the Presidential Palace Qingwai Civil Affairs, and was regarded as Wen Zaiyin's confidant.In August 2019, Wen Zaiyin announced that Cao Guo was appointed as the Minister of Legal Affairs to promote the reform of the South Korean procuratorial system.However, after that, Cao Guo and his wife were exposed to many scandals suspected of corruption for their daughters into the medical school.

In the past, Wen Zaiyin always emphasized that "even those in power must be treated strictly." As the chief of the procuratorial organs, Yin Xiyue launched a comprehensive investigation of the Cao Guo family.Unexpectedly, this move made him a "nail in the eyes" of Wen Zaiyin.After Cao Guo was forced to step down under public opinion, Yin Xiyue and the second legal minister who promoted the reform of the procuratorate Qiu Meiai also had differences in opinions. The last two resigned.At this point, the relationship between Wen Zaiyin and Yin Xiyue is also completely rigid.

The image of "justice", Yin Xiyue has gained a large number of supporters.The original presidential candidate in the National Power Party, the "heavyweight newcomer" joining the party, is undoubtedly good news for the conservative party.

Yin Xiyue, who stands with the Wen Zaiyin government at the opposing point, naturally became a popular candidate at the Wild Party. In June 2021, Yin Xiyue officially announced the participation in the election and criticized Wen Zaiyin's many policies, and with the many policies of Wen Zaiyin, with the many policies of Wen Zaiyin, and criticized the many policies of Wen Zaiyin.Li Zaiming, who was in the same camp of Wen Zaiyin, became an opponent.

Although Yin Xiyue's moral image is very good, the 12 -year -old wife Jin Jianxi (50 years old) has a scandal of resumes and suspected manipulation of stocks., Seriously cracking down on his fair and strict image.

Yin Xiyue recently attended the vote in Seoul and said: "The people let me stand here, which is tantamount to the democratic regime that declares corruption and incompetence.For decades of law enforcement, it is better than anyone who knows the true face of the Democratic Party. Newcomers like me are responsible for the government, which can be regarded as real political reform. We should not hand over the regime to corrupt Democratic Party. "

The supporter of the supporter Qian (45 years old) said: "In the last election, I voted for Wen Zaiyin. But when I saw the Cao Guo incident and the rise in house prices, I was angry with the Wen Zaiyin governmentParty. I hope Yin Xiyue will build a country with a "justice 'value."

The housewife surnamed Jin said: "Li Zaiming has been the head of administration for a long time and owes many people. Such people like this. Such people.When the president, there will definitely be corruption. Yin Xiyue's wife and mother -in -law exploded scandals, but they were all previous things. But Li Zaiming was accused of suspected real estate corruption cases.> Increases the calculation of Yin Sheng with another person

The last poll was released on the 2nd of the month before the election.The results released by the poll agency Realmeter showed that Yin Xiyue's support rate was 46.3%, and Li Zaiming was 43.1%. The gap was within the scope of the error, and it was still difficult to divide.The support rate of An Zhexiu, the presidential candidate of the National Party, is 6.7%, and the support rate of the Justice Party candidate Shen Xiangzheng is 1.9%.

However, Yin Xiyue and An Zhexiu suddenly held a press conference on the 3rd of this month and announced their efforts to run.An Zhexiu will abandon the qualifications of candidates to support Yin Xiyue, and consider promoting the merger of the National Power Party and the National Party after the election.Public opinion believes that this major change will change the situation of Yin Xiyue and Li Zaiming.

The survey results conducted by the South Korean Central Daily commissioned the poll agency Embrain Public showed that if Yin Xiyue and An Zhexiu jointly caminated to become a single candidate in the opposition party, Yin Xiyue's support rate was 47.4%, which was higher than Li Zaiming ( (

The support rate of two candidates in the age of 30 to 39 years old is not distinguished.Lead.

Knowing that Professor Shen Lu of the Department of Political Foreign Foreign Foreign Sciences of the University pointed out that the epidemic was an important variable of the presidential election.With the spread of Omikon's variants, the confirmed diagnosis patients aged 30 to 49 have increased rapidly. "If the confirmed diagnosis patients increase in specific age layers, it will have a significant impact on the results of the election."

The campaign commitments are similar to both parties.

Based on the "Top Ten Promons" submitted to the Central Election Management Committee, Li Zaiming and Yin Xiyue take "overcoming crown diseases" as the first commitment.The two also focused on supporting vendors and individual households in supporting the contents of the content.

The real estate issue is the core issue of this election.After the Wen Zaiyin government came to power, despite the 28 real estate policies, the average price of a set of apartments in Seoul rose from 67.08 million won in 2017 (about 684,288 yuan) to 1.2 billion won in 2021 (About 1.352615 S $).

In response to the problem of housing price control, Li Zaiming acknowledged the failure of Wen Zaiyin's government real estate policy and believed that it was necessary to relax the real estate transaction tax, but basically did not change the policy direction of tax management and control house prices.

Li Zaiming emphasized that while expanding the supply of houses, and eliminating real estate speculation through taxation, he claims that the ownership and taxation of the richest 10%of the people will be levied onBasic income.On the contrary, Yin Xiyue is committed to revitalizing transactions and stabilizing house prices by relaxing ownership and taxation and transaction tax.

It is worth mentioning that Li Zaiming launched a variety of radical welfare policies to advocate the implementation of "basic revenue of youth" and promise to pay 1 million won (S $ 1127) from 19 to 29 youths each year.He also promised to develop South Korea into the fifth largest economy in the world during his term, and at the same time achieved a per capita GDP of $ 50,000 (about S $ 67,900), and the South Korean major stock index South Korea ’s comprehensive stock price index (KOSPI) Improve to 5000 points.

Yin Xiyue promised to abolish the women's family department and no longer set up departments for men and women, but a department that newly set up comprehensive treatment of children, families, and population reduction.At the same time, he promised to strengthen the punishment of sexual crimes and crimes.

In response to the political reform plan, Li Zaiming promised to modify the presidential system and shortened the current term of five years to four years and allowed re -election.Yin Xiyue promised to move the Presidential Office from Qingwatai to Optical Gate, etc., and implemented a phased reform.

The foreign policy of the two major candidates is very different. Yin Xiyue hopes to establish a strong alliance with the United States, and Li Zaiming advocates continuing to implement the foreign policy of the Wen Zaiyin government.

In terms of policy policies, Li Zaiming and Wen Zaiyin's claimed "realization of the peninsula -natalization and the institutionalization of a peaceful system" under the large framework.However, Yin Xiyue advocated that "there is no nuclearization and relaxes sanctions."