(Washington Reuters) A F-35C stealth fighter hit the aircraft carrier deck and fell into the South China Sea. The U.S. Navy is preparing to salvage the fighter.

An accident occurred while the fighter aircraft landed on the aircraft carrier on Monday. The pilot popped up safely and was rescued by helicopter. The injury was stable.The accident caused a total of seven people injured.

A spokesman for the U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet Link said on Tuesday: "I can confirm that the fighters hit the flying deck when they landed, and then fell into the sea ... The U.S. Navy is preparing for the fighter plane."

A media report that did not indicate the source said that the fighter fighter was afraid to fall into China.In this regard, Link responded: "We can't guess what China's intention is in this incident." China claims to have the sovereignty of almost all seas of the South China Sea.

If the fighter fighter falls into the hands of the United States or the confidential technology of the loss

F-35C fighters, the US defense contractor Lockchid Martin CompanyR & D and manufacturing, a cost of $ 100 million (about S $ 134 million).The F-35 fighter is considered the most advanced fighter in the world today.Defense observer pointed out that if the fighter fighter fell into China, the United States may lose the confidential technology of fighter aircraft.

This is the second time the F-35 fighter accident occurs within two months.In November last year, a F-35B fighter from Queen Elizabeth fell into the Mediterranean, and the pilot's pop-up aircraft was safely rescued.The British Department of Defense said the fighter was later salvaged ashore.

Earlier this month, a F-35A fighter in South Korea landed urgently during training; in 2019, a Japanese F-35 fighter crashed near the Pacific Ocean near northern Japan, and pilots were killed.

The US Department of Defense said on Monday that the two aircraft carrier of the Karvinson and Lincoln hit a military exercise on Sunday, Sunday, and a military exercise.Regional determination to "resist malicious influence".After the American aircraft carrier exercise, dozens of sub -military aircraft flew to the airspace near Taiwan. This is the largest airplace display in China in the Taiwan Strait area for several months.