As of now, Ukraine officialThe number of soldiers did not announce, but referring to Russia's invasion at least 350 civilians lost their lives.Russia said that they lost 498 soldiers in the nine -day campaign, but this data was much less than the Ukraine's killing enemy.

(Kiev Composite Electric) The stubborn resistance of the Ukrainian soldiers on the invasion of the Russian army, although they temporarily held the capital Kiev, the violent bombardment of the Russian army also caused the Ukraine to sufferMajor casualties.

In the past few weeks, the Russian army captured Kiev, and the town of Bucha, which leads to the city, was bombarded.A local hospital has almost become a field hospital, and a large number of Ukrainian wounded soldiers were treated.

The 29 -year -old Ukraine Soldiers Matka said in an interview with the hospital: "We were surrounded by enemy forces during the reconnaissance operation.Attack with mortars. "

Matca was hit by the body by the shot of the shot in the war.According to his description, because of the failure to defeat the Russian army, the Ukraine began to retreat, but the Russian army continued to bombard them with mortars."Many of our troops were killed, including covering our commanders."

Although they were repelled by the Russian army, Matca emphasized that the soldiers of the Ukraine were still morale.He and other injured soldiers intend to raise the wound before returning to the battlefield.

The attending doctor of this hospital, Schockerina, said that some soldiers were less injured and they could be discharged from the hospital for a few weeks, but those with severe injuries may not be guaranteed.

He told reporters that because the Ukrainian government implemented a curfew shortly after the war in Russia, most of the hospitals were treated with soldiers who were injured in the war.

As of now, Ukraine has not announced the number of soldiers death, but it means that Russia's invasion has caused at least 350 civilians.Russia said that they lost 498 soldiers in the nine -day campaign, but this data was much less than the Ukraine's killing enemy.

The artillery of the Russian army not only caused many casualties, but also many houses were hit by missiles.Some citizens of Kiev watched their houses and were razed to the ground.

The house of Jevegen (49 years old) was burned and burned after being hit by the Russian missile, and instantly burned into ashes."My life was destroyed. My wife escaped from the window in time. Fortunately, my child went out to buy things 10 minutes ago ... The missile just hit their room."

SaidSpeaking, Jevegen was crying, "they were almost killed."

The Russian and Ukraine War has now entered the second week. In order to capture Kiev faster, the Russian army seems to adopt "no difference bombing", which has caused more civilian casualties.

In the face of the ruthless artillery of the Russian army, some people are both scared and angry."I don't know why they want to dispatch the tanks ... They fired randomly, maybe they just scare us."

There are also civilians with their guns, indicating that they will defend their homes.

The 52 -year -old Oksaa said: "I must defend my motherland. Everyone who stays here will continue to the end. I hope we can cross this disaster safely. "

Former Navy officer Victor told reporters:" They (Western countries) have imposed so many sanctions on Russia, it seems that it has not worked at all. "

He believes that Europe and the United States and other Western governmentsIt is necessary to show its position to Russia -if the war is not stopped immediately, the NATO troops will enter Ukraine to maintain the peace and stability of the region.He said sadly: "Can't continue like this again."