The UN General Assembly passed a resolution on Wednesday (March 2) to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine, requiring Moscow to stop fighting and withdraw the troops unconditionally.

Comprehensive Reuters and the United States CNN reported that the United Nations Security Council requested 193 member states to hold special meetings on the Ukraine crisis last week, for the first time in 40 years.After nearly three days of speeches, 141 member states supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Syria, and Eritrea voted for objections. China, India, Iran and other 35 countries chose to abstain.

The voting results showed that when the screen of the United Nations Headquarters Hall, the representatives were applauding.

Prior to the voting of the bill, the Ukraine's resident representative of the United Nations Caselia was applauded in the meeting hall.After the voting, the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres praised the message conveyed by the Federal University resolution.

Gutres said: The message of the conference is clear: immediately stop the battle in Ukraine, let the gun calm down, and open the dialogue and diplomatic door.The integrity and sovereignty of Ukrainian territory must be respected according to the UN Charter.

Russia was stubbornly resisted after the invasion of Ukraine last week, and failed to quickly win the important bases such as Kiev in Ukraine. Now it has strengthened the offensive and the Ukrainian refugee crisis has intensified.

The decision of the United University's condemnation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and requesting immediately and comprehensively withdrawn the army without legal binding, and only had political influence in the international community.

A week ago, the Russian -Ukraine War broke out, and the United States drafted a resolution at the UN Security Council, condemning Russia to invade Ukraine.In the 11 countries, Russia, with the status of Russia with the status of the State of the United Nations Security Council, exercised its veto power, and China, India, and the UAE abstained.

The United States subsequently joined for many Western countries to promote the 11th special meeting this week.According to the United Nations website, the special meeting of the United Nations Security Council last time was in 1982.

The U.S. Permanent Representative of the United Nations Greenfield urged other United Nations member states to ask Russia to be responsible for the invasion of Ukraine that the image shows that the Russian army will be transported into Ukraine that the Russian army has prohibited the Geneva convention such as the Geneva convention.These weapons are particularly fatal and should not appear on the battlefield.

Russia's permanent representative of the United Nations Nirvana denied Moscow's lock -up attack on Ukraine civilians and warned the United University to pass the condemnation of Russia's resolutions that could further heat up.

Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations, Zhang Jun, explained that the decision of the Chinese abstain from the Chinese side said: The draft resolution did not conduct full negotiation within the scope of all member states, and did not comprehensively consider the historical latitude and latitude and complex contradictions behind the current crisis.The importance does not highlight the urgency of promoting political solution and increasing diplomatic efforts.These are inconsistent with China's consistent position claims, and we have to vote for abandoned votes to the draft resolution.