● Ukrainian war

The US NBC News Network quoted the former US ambassador to Russia McCard described: "A new European rebirth, I am completely shocked ... This is a historic change.The future of NATO has a great impact. "

(Berlin/Washington Comprehensive News) Russia and Ukraine Fire allows Europe to unite unprecedentedly.In order to support Ukraine, Germany is like a reborn. Even Switzerland, which has always adhered to neutrality, has also joined the ranks of sanctions on Russia. Finland and Sweden, which have long maintained a distance between NATO, carefully consider joining NATO.

The US NBC News Network quoted Michael McFaul, a former US ambassador to Russia, described: "A new European rebirth, I was completely shocked ... This is a historic change.It has a great impact on the future of European, Cross -Atlantic Alliances and NATO. "

Previously German Chancellor Choierz's attitude towards Ukraine issues is ambiguous. Germany hopes to maintain friendly relations with Russia, and refuses to give up GermanyPay attention to Beixi II Weather Ran Pipeline Project.The German government promised to transport 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine in January this year. It was also publicly repaid "purely a joke" by Kiev Mayor Keriqinko.Just a week ago, Germany even prevented the Netherlands from sending German weapons to Kiev.

But after Russia launched the "Special Military Operations" last week, the dramatic reversal appeared in Berlin's position within a few days.Tsugs stopped the Beixi No. 2 project and decided to ship the at least 1,000 sets of anti -tank weapons and 500 Stinger air defense missile systems to Ukraine.It also announced that it would raise national defense expenses to more than 2%of GDP.Speed on Sunday that Germany has entered the "new era" and must support Ukraine, which has been in despair.

Comprehensive European media reports, Germany's people are indignant. Last Sunday, more than 100,000 people took the streets of Berlin to protest Russia invasion.Russian energy dependence, the party will not adhere to the suspension of domestic nuclear power plants.

Switzerland with a neutral history of more than 200 years. Due to the pressure of domestic people and political parties, it has been announced on February 28 that it has joined the EU sanctions on Russia, including frozen Russian President Putin's assets, prohibiting some high -level Russian and Swiss Switzerland.The connection between Russia closed Switzerland.However, President Casis emphasized that Switzerland's neutrality remains unchanged and will not provide military aid or participating in battles.

The media estimates that 80 % of Russian oil and natural gas trade is carried out in Switzerland

The Swiss bank is a popular investment target of Russian rich people.interested.Swiss media estimates that 80 % of Russia's oil and natural gas trade in Switzerland highlights the significance of Switzerland sanctions.

The head of the safe and legal project of the Geneva Security Policy Center Westina said that for a long time, Switzerland has been proud of the security space of international organizations and international dialogues.The summit is an example.He said that Swiss citizens have begun to rethink their role in the world's increasingly globalized world, especially a crown disease epidemic without borders, which has prompted them to reflect.

Sweden also announced the transportation of 5,000 anti -tank weapons to Ukraine.Sweden is not a member of NATO, and it remains neutral during the two World War and Cold War.This is the first time that Sweden has transported weapons since 1939 to a country that has been caught in war.When the Soviet Union invaded Finland in 1939, Sweden transported weapons to neighboring Finland to fight the Soviets.

Sweden and Finland have maintained a distance from NATO for many years, and now we have seriously considered joining this European military alliance.

According to the Washington Post, Ukraine President Zelei Sky President Zeelianzki made an emotional video speech at the emergency summit held on Thursday night, making some EU leaders cry on the spot, and the participants even evenDiscuss whether to stop buying oil and natural gas from Russia.Zelei Sky has now applied to join the European Union, and eight EU member states have expressed their willingness to negotiate with Ukraine to join.

Huayai quoted different US officials that Europe was at the forefront of sanctioning Russia this time, and Bayeng contributed behind the scenes.A senior official of the US State Department of the State Department said that the Bayeng government spent nearly five months and repeatedly reminded NATO Russia to invade, and at the same time drawing partner countries to prepare.The White House spokesman Puski said: "These coordinated actions are not accidental ... If it is not for the President's efforts to lead the leaders around the world for many months, there will be no today."