(Morning News) The US National Defense Intelligence Agency predicts that North Korea may conduct nuclear tests in the future and may restore long -range ballistic missile tests.

The Voice of the United States reported that the US Defense Intelligence Agency released a report on "North Korea-growing regions and global threats" on its website on October 15.The report states that although North Korea has not conducted any nuclear tests since 2017, the United States observed activities in Ningbian in North Korea, which is inconsistent with comprehensive nuclearization.

Director of Defense Intelligence, Scott Berrier, said in the foreword of this non -computer intelligence report: "North Korea is one of the countries with the highest degree of militaryization in the world.A major security challenge facing the international community. "

The report said that the North Korean army constituted two direct and overlapping challenges to the United States and its allies: a conventional army, mainly composed of artillery and infantry, can attack South Korea with almost no pre -warning;The ballistic missile library equipped with nuclear weapons can reach the bases and cities in South Korea and Japan, as well as the United States.


Report pointed out that although the routine threat to South Korea has developed slowly in the past few decades, the rapid development and test of the nuclear and missile plans from North Korea from 2012 to 2017 has made the second possibility than most international observersIt is expected to approach reality faster.These capabilities increase the risk of the Northeast Asian military explosion point. This risk may be quickly upgraded outside the Korean Peninsula and may cross the Pacific Ocean to the United States.


Report believes that North Korea's national security strategy has two main goals. One is to ensure the long -term security of the Golden regime. The leadership defines it as the sovereignty and independent country ruled by the Kim family.It is the ability to maintain the leading influence on the Korean Peninsula.


Report pointed out that Kim Jong-un has taken the North Korean military on a road that expands its multi-field capabilities in the next few years, and 20-30%of the total economic volume is used to develop military forces and military industries.Kim Jong -un will give priority to developing and displaying weapons to provide North Korea with the use of nuclear weapons to combat distant opponents (including the United States) to improve the ability of the people's army to crack down on the non -military region's key and farther South Korean goals, and further strengthen North Korea to resist external attacks or invasionAbility.

Take action against North Korea.In addition, if the deterrence failed, Kim Jong -un will continue to strengthen its conventional army's offensive and defensive capabilities to increase the cost of conflict and expand the choice that threatens South Korea and the local U.S. military.Even without large -scale lethal weapons, these conventional weapons still pose a continuous threat to the army of South Korea, Japan, and the United States in the region.

The report said that North Korea conducted missiles and nuclear tests several times from 2016 to 2017, but seeking diplomatic contact in early 2018 and 2019, and announced that she supports the Korean Peninsula without nuclearization.Since 2017, North Korea has not conducted any nuclear tests, and has reversed part of its large -scale devastating weapon infrastructure.However, the United States continues to observe the activities of Ningbian and other places that are not comprehensively nuclear.North Korea began a flight test of the new solid rocket ballistic missiles and latent ballistic missiles in mid -2019.

This report outlook, unless North Korea agrees and insists on comprehensive nuclearization, including dismantling the carrier system, it will likely develop and promote all the following military fields, including land -based ballistic missiles, submarine ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons, long -range artillery artillery, remote artillery, Special combat forces, unmanned aircraft, network space capabilities, etc.

The National Defense Intelligence Agency is a combat support agency of the Ministry of National Defense, providing timely, objective and powerful military information for national defense planners and national security policy makers.The National Defense Intelligence Bureau has also previously issued a report from other countries, including the "2019 China Military Report", "2019 Iranian Military Report", and "2017 Russian Military Report".