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From the screenshot of the video screen released by the Russian Ministry of Defense the day before yesterday, the Chinese -Russian naval ship formation launched a joint maritime strategic cruise in the Japan Sea.(Reuters)

(Tokyo / Beijing Comprehensive News) The Japanese media quoted the news released by the Ministry of Defense of Japan yesterday. Ten warships that belong to the China and the Russian Navy jointly passed the Tuchong Strait between Japan and Hokkaido.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) reported yesterday, the Japanese Self -Defense Force Integrated Commander Supervisory Department notified the night before (18th), at 8 am the day before yesterday (at 7 am in Singapore), the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force's aircraft and ships were on the southwest of Ouki Island, Hokkaido.The 110 kilometers of Japan found that the Sino -Russian Navy formation consisting of 10 warships was sailing and traveled to the Pacific Ocean through the Numta Strait in the afternoon the day before yesterday.

The formation consists of 10 ships, five China and Russia, and the Chinese naval ships are 055 missile destroyers Nanchang, 052D missile destroyer Kunming, 054A missile frigate Binzhou, Liuzhou, and Dongping Lake comprehensive supply ship.

The Russian Navy dispatched a large anti -submarine General Pagliervyev, General Tribatz Navy, the electronic reconnaissance vessel, Marshal Krelov, the 22350 frigate Ling Ling, and the Russian Federal Hero Alidal Middot; QiDengzapov.

According to the news department of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the Russian-China Navy's Maritime United-20121 joint military exercise opened on the 14th of this month to the 17th.During the exercise, the navy of the two countries carried out more than 20 combat training.

Zhang Junshe, a researcher at the Chinese Naval Research Institute, told the Chinese official media yesterday that according to relevant international law, the Jinqing Strait is a non -collar sea that is applicable to navigation and flying over the free system, and warships of various countries have the right to pass.The Sino -Russian naval ship's formation entered the Pacific Ocean through the Jinliang Strait, which fully conforms to international law and international practice.

The Global Times pointed out that the Sino -Russian naval ships did not hold a navigation ceremony after the exercise. Instead, they appeared at the same time. Obviously, this was the first time that the two parties held a joint maritime strategic cruise and for the first time.

According to Reuters, the deputy chief official of the Japanese cabinet, the deputy chief of the Japanese cabinet, said at a regular conference of the day before yesterday: The government is paying great attention to and watching the activities of Chinese and Russian warships around Japan.

Japan and China have territorial disputes on the Diaoyu Islands (Japanese islands), and the territorial disputes with Russia on the South Qiandao Islands have been hanging and unsolved.In recent years, Russia and China have established closer military and diplomatic relations when relations with the West have deteriorated.

From the 14th to 15th of this month, on the occasion of the Sino -Russian Navy in joint military exercises, the US missile destroyer Dewey and the Royal Navy frigates of Canada jointly crossed the Taiwan Strait.This operation is the first time that the U.S. military has jointly traveled through the Taiwan Strait with other national ships in recent years.