China Daily, March 2nd. According to the USATODAY website today, it was reported on March 2 that according to last week, a report on the US respiratory tract and intensive care magazine (Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine), the University of Vanderburg, the United States(Vanderbilt University) Researchers at the Medical Center have studied the impact of the influence of patients on the peak of the internal outer membrane.

ECMO is also called artificial cardiopulmonary machine, which is mainly used for providing continuous in vitro breathing and circulation to patients with severe cardiopulmonary failure to maintain patient life.According to reports, once the patient meets the conditions of receiving ECMO treatment in medicine, it can be separated from the hospital's separate evaluation and determination of hospital resources.However, if the hospital's resources are insufficient, the patient has to be transferred to the ECMO center.

The research team of the University of Van Dandburg discovered that during the period from January 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021, nearly 90%of the 55 patients in the United States needed to receive ECMO treatment were not obtained by the corresponding treatment.And death.Studies have pointed out that these deaths patients are very young and almost have no other health problems.

The Research Report Chief Author and the ExtracorPoreal Life Support Program) The quality and education director Whitney Gannon said that during the epidemic, the demand for ECMO treatment increased sharply.Receive the request of up to 15 patients with critical patients, even if ECMO is left to the youngest, healthiest, and heaviest patients, we may only provide a small part of qualified people.

Gannan also pointed out that ECMO is a resource -intensive treatment method that requires related equipment, beds, and experienced personnel. It is necessary for the medical system to invest accordingly.

The University of Pittsburgh's intensive nursing ethicsist Douglas Middot; Douglas White believes that these data are deeply provincial, highlighting the importance of taking public health measures before the hospital reaches the critical point.

The joint author of the research report and Middot, a medical assistant professor at the University of Van Dandburg's Medical Center;He said: When the number of new crown patients exceeds hospital resources (tolerance), young and healthy Americans who can have survived will lose their lives.