Ukrainian war

Although the proposal is not binding, it is sufficient to show that Russia is currently internationally internationally isolated.Representatives from various countries silently sorrow for the war of the war before the opening of the special meeting.

(UN General Electric) The UN General Assembly held a special meeting on the Ukrainian crisis. It is expected that the conference will condemn Russia to invade Ukraine and to stop the offensive and withdraw troops.

The joint meeting of the United University is rare. This is the 11th conference on the 11th of the United Nations in 77 years.The meeting started from Monday for three days.A total of 193 member states in the United Nations, more than 100 representatives of more than 100 countries will speak at this conference and vote on a draft resolution today.

The draft of this resolution was rejected by Russia at the United Nations Security Council last Friday, but no country has veto on the United University. Therefore, Western diplomats predict that this draft will be passed at the conference.Although this proposal is not binding, it is enough to show that Russia is currently internationally isolated.

Representatives of various countries were silent for a minute for the dead of the Russian and Ukraine War before the opening of the meeting.The UN Secretary -General Gutres said in a speech immediately: "The Ukrainian war must stop. It's really enough."

Gutres said that Russian President Putin even ordered the nuclear strategic forces to enter a high degree of alerts.It is "the development of the chilling situation", and also said that the nuclear conflict is "unimaginable."

He warns that conflicts will have a great impact on civilians, and may even trigger the worst humanity and refugee crisis in Europe for decades."Soldiers must withdraw the barracks, leaders must go to peace, protect civilians, must maintain international humanitarian law and human rights law. Ukraine's internationally recognized sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity must be respected according to the resolution of the conference."

Russia's permanent representative of the United Nations Jiejian claimed that Russia's actions in Ukraine were distorted.He reiterated that Russia launched military operations against Ukraine to protect residents in the Wudong separated areas."The war was launched by Ukraine's residents in it, and Russia managed to terminate the war."

Ukraine's resident Representative of the United Nations Caselian begging countries to support the above proposals."If Ukraine cannot survive, the United Nations can not survive, and they cannot be fantasized."

Western diplomats pointed out that this voting will be regarded as a barometer of global democracy, because the autocratic systems around the world are continuously enhanced.Except for Russia, Myanmar, Sudan, Mali, Burkinafar, Venezuela, and Nicaragua have allocated autocratic regimes in recent years.

The draft resolution was jointly formulated by the United States and Albania. After the Russia rejected the draft of the Security Council, the two countries held special meetings.

The draft resolution must be obtained by two -thirds of the votes to pass.Reuters quoted diplomats that at least 80 countries have expressed their support for this proposal.Countries such as Syria, China, Cuba, and India are expected to vote for votes or abstrams.

Zhang Jun, a Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations, said that the Cold War has ended. The Cold War thinking based on the group's confrontation should be abandoned. It is even harmful to provoking a new Cold War.

12 Russian representatives to the United Nations were exported by the United States

On the other hand, on the other hand, the United States took 12 Russian representatives of the Russian United Nations on the grounds of national security considerations on the grounds of national security considerations.The members of the group were expelled from the country.Russia's ambassador to the United States Antonov was "hostile."

A spokesman for the United Nations delegation in the United Nations said that it was the intelligence personnel who were ordered to leave the country. They have always "engaged in espionage that is not good for our national security and abused their right to residence in the United States."