China-Russia "Maritime United-20121" joint military exercise opened in the waters near the Bay of Peter Great Bay, Russia on October 14.Later, the Chinese Navy's ships traveled to the Malaysian Strait to northeast to enter the Japan Sea.

According to CCTV reports, China and Russia have opened joint director departments at their respective formation command ships.Exercise director.

At this exercise, China participated in the army from the east, southern, and northern theater navy, including the Nanchang ship, Kunming ship, Binzhou ship, Liuzhou ship and other new guided missile farewood, the "Dongping Lake" comprehensive supply ship and fixed fixedWing anti -submarine patrol aircraft, carrier helicopter, etc.

The two sides will conduct drills mainly focusing on communication drills, formation threatening zone, eliminating floating thunder, formation defense, shooting of sea shooting, joint maneuverability, and joint anti -submarine.

According to reports, this exercise is held in the context of the great change and the epidemic. China ’s 10,000 -ton destroyer, anti -submarine patrol aircraft and other multi -type platforms have participated abroad for the first time.drill.

The Ministry of General Supervisor and Supervision of the Ministry of Defense in Japan previously released the news that at about 1 pm on October 11, the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force found a sea in the waters of 320 kilometers southwest of Malaysia Island.The destroyer, a 052D destroyer, two 054A frigates, a 903A large comprehensive supply ship and a submarine rescue ship.


, the Chinese Navy's ships traveled through the Malaysian Strait to the northeast and entered the Japan Sea.