(Morning News) Malaysian Prime Minister Esmame Samili is guaranteed again on Friday (February 25) that even if the Crown disease diagnosis of crown disease in Malaysia is still high, the government does notIt will close the field of economy and industry.

He said that after two years of anti -war against the virus, the people must coexist with crown disease."Although the case of coronary disease has increased to 30,000, there are less than 1%of the fourth and fifth stages of mildness. We will not close the economic field ... Once open, we will continue to open."

Isemi was pointed out with about 100 diaspora with about 100 students including students, such as in Thailand.Attendees include Foreign Minister Sai Fotin, senior minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Azmin, and Deputy Minister of Federal Minister Jaraudin, and Malaysia Ambassador to Thailand.

Esmai said that the vaccine vaccination rate will also enable Malaysia to reappear the border quickly."We will open the border soon. Now we are convinced our people that external infections should not be harmful. People who have not returned to Malaysia for a long time can return to China.P> He said that Malaysia has established a tourist channel (VTL) with Singapore with Singapore, and the Brunei VTL will start on March 1st, as for the VTL with Indonesia, it will also start soon."For Thailand, we will create VTL .... If we can, we can quickly open (border)."

Esmai is invited by Thai Prime Minister Bayu to arrive in Thailand on Thursday for 3 days.access.