Biden said that the $ 1.8 trillion "American Family Plan" he proposed will help the United States take off again.He emphasized that US taxpayers' money will be used to purchase products made in the United States, thereby creating national employment opportunities.

(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden delivered his first speech on the joint meeting of the Parliament Persons' two House of Representatives on the eve of his inauguration.And tax credit plan.

He said that this is conducive to competition with China and Russia, but he emphasized that the United States is unwilling to oppose China and Russia.

Bynden walked into the House of Representatives on the eve of his inauguration on the 28th, took off the mask, and delivered a speech to the 200 Democratic Party and Republican councilors, other officials and guests.In the epidemic situation, the conventional conference attending was greatly reduced compared to the previous invitation of 1,600 guests.

Biden's first joint meeting speech lasted 1 hour and 5 minutes.He first outlines the work of the remaining time of the term of office. He said that he took over the former President Trump for nearly 100 days and successfully restored Americans' confidence in the government in terms of economic and epidemic prevention.

Biden captured the reconstruction after the epidemic, and promoted the priority of the Democratic Party at the time of political differentiation. At the joint meeting, the members of the members and the people on the TV "The United States is ready to take off. Only a hundred days passed., I can say to the whole country: the United States is setting off again, turning danger into a risks, turning danger into machine, turning setbacks into strength. "

He said that the $ 1.8 trillion "American Family Plan" he proposed will help the United States take off again.He emphasized that US taxpayers' money will be used to purchase products made in the United States, thereby creating national employment opportunities.This plan will invest 1 trillion US dollars from American children, students and families in the next 10 years, and provide about $ 800 billion in tax credits for low -income families.

Bynden proposes to levy rich taxes? The tax rate increases from 37%to 39.6%

In order to provide some funds for the above plans, Biden proposed to levy higher taxes from the richest Americans in the next 15 years, raising the highest income tax rate from 37%to 39.6%, and annual income of more than $ 1 million or moreThe maximum tax rate of capital gains and dividends of families increased from 20%to 39.6%.

He also said that this new expenditure and tax preferential plan is a generation of only one investment, which is essential for the future of the United States.Coupled with the previously announced infrastructure and employment plans, the total expenditure is about $ 4 trillion, which is equivalent to the annual federal budget.

"American Family Plan" is the main economic legislative proposal of Biden's third item.This plan and the US $ 1.9 trillion economic rescue bill passed in March and the infrastructure construction plan announced at the end of March were the main components of Bayeon's economic development plan to fulfill its campaign commitment.Due to the opposition from the Republicans of Congress and some intermediates in the middle, Congress has not adopted an infrastructure construction plan, and it is expected that the "American Family Plan" will also be obstructed in Congress.

Mei Tear China is a major strategic challenge

Byndon advocated that after not falling in China, these expenditure plans are necessary.The Biden government regards China as a major strategic challenge.He said: "China and other countries are chasing quickly."

He said that he spent a lot of time talking to Chinese President Xi Jinping."He is very eager to become the most important big country in the world. He and others believe that democracy cannot compete with autocratic rule in the 21st century. He wants to reach a consensus with them for a long time." He said, he has alreadyXiang Xi Jinping showed that maintaining strong military power in the Indo -Pacific region is not to start conflict, but to prevent conflicts.

The US economy increased by 6.4 % in the first quarter? Personal consumption increased by 10.7 %

Bynden informed Chinese leaders that the United States is willing to compete, but not seeking conflicts. He emphasized that its government will fully safeguard the interests of the United States while fighting against the unfair trade behavior of American workers, including state subsidies, stealing intellectual property rights, etc.Essence

He also expressed his willingness to cooperate with Russia in the areas of common interests such as disarmament and climate change.But he reminded Russian President Putin not to make US -Russian relations deteriorate.

On the other hand, the pace of the US economic recovery accelerated in the first quarter.According to preliminary estimates released by the US Department of Commerce on the 29th, driven by the increase in consumption, GDP (GDP) increased by 6.4 % in the first quarter.The growth rate of the fourth quarter of last year was 4.3%.

Data from the Ministry of Commerce showed that personal consumption that driven economy increased by 10.7 %, the second largest increase since the 1960s.After adjustment according to inflation, the total domestic production goods and service value reached US $ 1.909 trillion, approaching the peak of US $ 19.3 trillion before the epidemic.