Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on the phone yesterday with Indian Foreign Minister Su Jesheng that as a close neighbor and partner, the Chinese side suffered the current sense of challenges facing the Indian side and was willing to provide the support and help that the Indian side could.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Wang Yi said that China is very concerned about the new round of crown disease in India.Chinese President Xi Jinping also sent a condolences to Premier Modi.The Chinese Red Cross, local governments, folk friendly organizations and enterprises have reached a helping hand.China hopes and believes that the Indian government and the people will win the victory of resistance.

Wang Yi said that in order to further support India's anti -anti -epidemic situation, China is willing to take the following measures according to the needs of India: First, continue to encourage and support Chinese enterprises to accelerate production and provide anti -epidemic supplies to India.The second is to provide the convenience and transportation of anti -epidemic supplies for India.The third is to organize video exchanges to organize health and epidemic prevention experts in the two countries to share anti -epidemic experience and effective practices.

On behalf of the Indian government and the people, Su Jiesheng thanked Xi Jinping for condolences to Modi, and also thanked the Chinese side to show goodwill and unity, providing a strong support for India to purchase anti -epidemic materials.He said that the epidemic is a global challenge and requires all parties to deal with it. The cooperation measures proposed by China are very important. The Indian party is willing to further strengthen resistance and cooperation with China.

Report also said that the two sides exchanged opinions on bilateral relations and global cooperation.