(Morning News) According to Politico, a US political news website, as many American four -star military generals require the American intelligence community to provide intelligence war against China and Russia, the American intelligence department is seeking to accelerate decryption and public information to satisfyStrategic needs.

The Voice of America quoted the report that the nine four -star generals responsible for the United States in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and special combat forces wrote to the then January last year to write to the then agent national intelligence director Ma Kui (Joseph Maguire) asked the intelligence agency to decrypt and disclose more information and evidence to them, and show the world to the world what China and Russia are doing to help crack down on Sino -Russian "Pernicious Conduct".These harmful acts include destroying the relationship between the United States and the allies and infringing sovereignty in other countries.

Politico obtained a joint letter from the joint letter stating that only by "showing the truth in the public domain to resist the challenger of the United States in the 21st century" can Washington be supported by the United States allies.Because there are many efforts in this ideological competition, they are blocked because of too strict confidentiality.

These generals said: "China and Russia are conducting political warfare through the means of comprehensive national forces, manipulating the information environment, infringing national sovereignty, collaboration with international organizations, weakening the integrity of the international community, and destroying our allies and partnerships.They tried to reshape the world with their own image, spread authoritarianism, and promote their ambitions. Their behavior is provocative, dangerous and stable. "

Several government officials who are familiar with this letter said that the letter was organized by General Davidson, commander of the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command, who was about to leave, and signed by nine of the 11 four -star combat commanders.Only the Supreme General of the US Central Command and the Internet Command did not sign.

It is reported that this joint letter that has never been disclosed to the public last year set off waves in the Pentagon, the intelligence community, and the Mountains of Congress. It is unprecedented that so many high -level military will make a request for the joint name.People familiar with the matter nicknamed it "36 Star Memorandum".However, the letter of this joint department is not an order, nor an ultimatum, but instead of urging the American intelligence community to make major changes.

This letter does not specify what evidence these generals want to disclose, but point out that both Russia and China have launched major hacking activities against the United States.The reasons for this memorandum are unclear.

This letter does not belong to the category of confidentiality, but it is labeled "for official use" label.This letter insisted that the current situation is far from the level of harmful behavior that generals need to fight against Russia and China.

The Deputy Assistant, a deputy assistant to the State Intelligence Director Office, told a statement to Politico that last summer, a group composed of pentagram and intelligence officials summoned a series of working groups for this military memorandum and proposed that it and proposed that they also proposed that they also proposed that they also proposed that they also proposed that they and proposed that they also proposed that they and proposed that they also proposedsuggestion.In December 2020, the Office of the National Intelligence Director requested the intelligence agency to review its existing procedures and make improvements to support the combat headquarters at the required speed and scale.

He added that in January of this year, he received the "preliminary response" of the intelligence agency director, saying that the progress of these institutions was reviewing, and emphasizing that the malicious impact of blows was still the primary task.