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(Morning News) A large number of Ukrainians escaped to avoid war, and some of them have arrived in the surrounding neighboring countries on Thursday (February 24).Establish a reception point for the Ukraine and send troops to the border to provide support.

Reuters reports that countries in East East Wing have been members of the Warsaw Convention organization led by Moscow. Some countries such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania share land borders with Ukraine.

Early morning on Thursday, the rare people's scarce medyka border levels in southern Poland became unable to calm down.The Ukrainians who walked through the Ukrainian border across the Ukrainian border entered the Poland side with their luggage.Throughout the day, the car team waiting in the level waiting for customs clearance is getting longer and longer.

A 39 -year -old Polish woman said her Ukrainian husband and child were trapped on the other side. She waited for four hours before seeing them.

She said, "I can't contact them. I can't contact them ... I don't know how to take my child ... I don't know what to do."

to solve the solutionIn the border congestion, Poland canceled the quarantine regulations on the negative proof personnel from outside the EU and could not provide crown disease detection.

The Polish Ministry of Health said that Poland is preparing a medical train to transport Ukraine wounded and formulate a list of 1230 hospitals that can be treated.The Polish military has also improved the alert level of some units.

The Czech President Zeman, who has long been sympathetic to Moscow for a long time, is also abnormal, saying that Russian President Putin ordered the "crazy" behavior of invasion of Ukraine.The Czech capital Prague stopped issuing visas to Russian citizens and ordered two Russian consulates.

Hungarian Prime Minister Olban, who also has a good relationship with Putin, also condemned Moscow's behavior.Olban also announced that Hungary will provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and prepare to receive refugees from Ukraine.