(Morning News) Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on Wednesday (April 28) that the relationship between Russia and the United States is worse than the Cold War due to lack of mutual respect.

Zhongtong News Agency reported that Lavrov said in an interview with the Russian National Television that Moscow was ready to be normalized with Washington at any time, but warned the United States to stop treating Russia in a current posture.Lavrov said that if the United States avoids mutual respect on the basis of interests, "the two countries will live under the" Cold War 'or worse conditions. "

Lavrov said that during the Cold War, the tension between the Russia (Soviet) and the United States developed rapidly, and there were often dangerous crises, but the two sides also received mutual respect."In my opinion, this respect is now insufficient."

Russian Satellite Network reported on the 28th that Lavrov disclosed in an interview with Satellite News Agency that after the Bayeng government in the United States came to power, Moscow proposed to Washington to "clear" diplomatic conflicts."If this depends on us, we will probably return to the normal relationship, and the first step, I think it is obvious that all measures to restrict Russian diplomats in the United States are clear.No difficulty. In response to our country at the time, it also limited the work of US diplomats in Russia. "

On April 15th, the United States announced sanctions and expelled 10 Russian diplomats to retaliate against the so -called Kremlin's interference, large -scale network attacks and other hostile activities for the so -called Kremlin in Washington.In response, Raferov said on the 16th that Russia will respond to the new sanctions imposed by the United States to Russia, decided to expel 10 US diplomats in Russia, and ban eight American citizens from entering the country.

In recent times, diplomatic conflicts in Russia and the United States have intensified.In order to alleviate the differences, the two sides have expressed their willingness to have a summit, but the talk date has not yet been determined.According to reports, on the 28th local time, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that Russian President Putin and US President Biden may meet in summer, but the time and place have not yet been determined.