(Morning News) Seven Kingdoms (G7) member states leader held a video meeting on Thursday (February 24) to condemn Russia for launching special military affairs to the Donbass area in the eastern part of Ukraine.Actions promise to coordinate each other to exert severe economic sanctions on Russia, while discussing the stability of global energy supply.

Xinhua News Agency reported that according to a statement issued by the G7 conference, the G7 member states are paying close attention to the development of the international oil and natural gas market, and supporting the major international energy suppliers and consumerists to continue and have constructive contact.In order to ensure the stability of global energy supply and prepare for the possible chaotic situation.

The Seven Group consists of the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan. In 1997, Russia joined the Eight Kingdoms Group (G8).After the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis in 2014, members of the former Seven Kingdoms Group refused to hold a meeting in the form of the Eight Kingdoms Group and re -held the Seventh -way Group Summit.