Japan published a diplomatic blue book today (27th), which expressed strong concern for the enhancement of Chinese military power, but it did not mention the "importance of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait" stated in Japan.Japanese media believes that this may be a protest that takes into account China.

According to the Kyodo News Agency and the Broadcasting Association, Japanese Foreign Minister Maomin charged at the Cabinet Conference and reported the 2021 version of the diplomatic blue book.

The Blue Book continues to position Japan -China relations as "one of the most important bilateral relations", and it also expresses a sense of crisis on China's marine activities and military power expansion.


Report believes that the enhancement of China's military power and activities in the East China Sea and the South China Sea has become a strong concern for the regions and the international community, including Japan and the international community.

Blue Book criticized China to allow the Maritime Police Law to allow the sea police station to use weapons, which have problems in international law and expressed concern about Hong Kong and Xinjiang.The Blue Book detailed the confrontation between the United States and China, and believed that "the power balance of the international community is undergoing major changes."

The Blue Book believes that the Chinese Sea Police Station, which occurred around the Diaoyu Islands (Japanese islands), entered the territorial waters of Japan, violated international law, and called "the situation is becoming increasingly severe."

As for the Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Japan, the report reports that "should focus on calming the epidemic of crown disease, and not to the stage of the schedule."Kyodo News believes that the wording of the report is "backward" compared with the "re -coordination" of the 2020 edition.


Blue Book also emphasizes that the concept of "free and open India's Pacific" proposed by Japan has obtained consensus with the United States and European countries, and will specifically promote the launch of cooperation through the framework of Japan, the United States, Australia and India.