Su Junxiang sorted

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(Yangon Composite Electric) The Burmese military responded to the mediation of Asia's Diandan, saying that it is necessary to consider the advice of Ya'an in the domestic situation to restore the stability of the domestic situation and try to end the violent conflict.

Since the Myanmar military launched a coup and launched a coup on February 1 to overthrow the election government led by Weng Shan Shuzhi, anti -military demonstrations have continued to occur across the country, and the military government targeted bloody means.According to the private supervision organization, more than 750 people have died so far.

The head of the Burmese Defense Force, Min Anglai, went to the Ayan Special Summit at Jakarta, Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia last Saturday.After the Asian Dan Wheel Chairman Guo, Guo Lai issued a statement saying that the Asianan and the Burmese military reached a five -point consensus, including stopping violence, constructive dialogue with all parties of Myanmar, appointing a special envoy of Ya'an to promote dialogue, accepting rescue, and allowing special envoys to visit MyanmarEssenceThe statement did not mention the issue of the military's seizure of political prisoners, nor did he propose a timetable for the end of Myanmar's turmoil.

The Myanmar military issued a statement yesterday to respond to the mediation of countries in the region for the first time.The statement said: "Once the national situation resumes stable, the authorities will carefully consider the constructive suggestions of the leaders of the Asian safe state. The priority is to restore the rule of law and order and rebuild community peace and stability."

The statement also said that Ruya's proposal is in line with the military's "roadmap" and "in line with (Myanmar) national interests, and at the same time, based on the purpose and principles of Asia's detailed security, we will actively consider it." As for the Special Envoy of the Asian Diandan, the military saidAfter the situation is stable, the special envoy will be considered.

The Burmese spokesman also said yesterday that the authorities were "satisfied" about the Jakarta Summit, giving the military the opportunity to explain "real situations" to the leaders of Asians.

The Crank armed organization captured the Burmese army near the Thai border Fengsong House Military Base

On the other hand, the recent armed conflict near the eastern part of Myanmar and the northwestern border of Thailand seems to shift the focus of Myanmar's domestic chaos.

The Cran Armed Forces captured a military base of the Burmese army near the Thai border yesterday morning.The military then launched an air strike to the area.

A military spokesman confirmed that the Fifth Brigade of the Creed National Alliance launched the above attack.He told AFP: "Based on security reasons, we will continue to take action."

Whether the latest conflict causes casualties, but the Thai military says that for the sake of safety, Thailand has transferred about 450 villagers in the district.

The Burmese Army suddenly launched an air strike on the Klun national armed control zone at the end of March, forcing thousands of people to be forced to abandon their families and flee, and poured into Thailand to take refuge in Thailand.The troops of the Burmese Army and the Kelun National Alliance conflicts from time to time.