(Morning News) The Supreme Commander of the United States in Afghanistan said that the process of completely withdrawn from this conflict country has begun.

The Voice of the United States reported that the U.S. Army General Scott Miller Sunday (25th) said at the U.S. military headquarters in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan that according to the order he received, all his troops were "ready to withdraw."

About two weeks ago in Miller's speech, US President Biden announced that before the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack on September 11 and September 11, the last batch of U.S. military stationed in Afghanistan was about 3000people.Biden said that withdrawal will start on May 1 to end the longest war in American history.

Miller also commands U.S. and NATO non -combatants to perform "resolutely support" military tasks in Afghanistan.

NATO allies have promised to cooperate.According to an agreement reached by Washington and Afghan Taliban militants a year ago, NATO allies will withdraw about 7,000 troops.

Miller said: "We will withdraw troops in an orderly manner from Afghanistan, which means transfer to the Afghan security forces to transfer the base and equipment."

The United States and its allies launched a military invasion against Afghanistan after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 to punish the Taliban rulers at the time and allow the Kaida to organize the leading the massacre.

The military operation quickly defeated the Taliban regime.However, Taliban re -assembled and launched a fatal attack on Afghanistan and international forces headed by the United States, re -establishing control over Afghanistan blockbuster regions.

Agreement reached in February 2020 in the United States and Taliban requested all foreign troops to leave Afghanistan before May 1, but Biden listed the reasons for logistics to postpone the last period.

Taliban stopped attacks on foreign troops after signing the agreement. They condemned the United States to procrastinate the last period of the two sides and threatened to restore hostile operations to the U.S. military when the US military withdrew from Afghanistan.

Miller said that his troops continued to maintain "military means and capabilities, fully protecting themselves in the current withdrawal, and supporting Afghan security forces."He denied the United States' allegations that violated the agreement and warned that if the Taliban attacked a foreign army, the United States would take strong response measures.

Miller said: "I have the opportunity to talk to members of the Taliban Political Committee of the Taliban. I told them that restoring violence will be the tragedy of Afghan and Afghan people." Some people worry that without US assistance, Afghanistan does not helpSecurity forces will collapse in the battle with Taliban, which may lead to more conflicts and bleeding.

Miller reminds Taliban that according to the agreement, they are obliged to cut off their relationships with Kaidda militants to ensure that Afghanistan will never be used as a shelter for terrorism.

The United Nations reported in January this year that there were about 500 Kida members in Afghanistan, and Taliban kept in close contact with them.Taliban denied Cayida's existence in the country and denied their close contact.

According to a recent research report published by the United States last week, the Afghanistan war has so far gained about 241,000 lives, including civilians, locals, and international forces.The price of US dollars (about S $ 3.2 trillion).