(Washington Composite Electric) The US Department of Defense pointed out that the strength of Russia's recent assembly of the Ukrainian border has surpassed the scale when the Crimean invaded in 2014.The security and stability of the eastern border of Ukraine.

U.S. Ministry of Defense spokesman Cerby said: "Of course we hear Russia claims that this is a military training activity, but we are not completely sure that this is their exact purpose."

Boerley, a senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, revealed that Russia has gathered more than 100,000 troops on the Ukraine border, which may lead to the upgrading of tensions in the region.

Ukrainian soldiers conflict with separators in the eastern part of the country on Sunday, causing one soldier to be killed and the other was injured; the situation of the border between eastern Ukraine increased the heating up and increased such confrontations.

Berreley originally said at a press conference on Monday that Russia gathered more than 150,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, but he did not disclose the source of the data; later, he corrected the data to 100,000 soldiers, and did not follow this.Change the reason for explanation.

He said that Russia's troops gathered near the Ukraine border this time are the largest in history, but it is said that there is no plan to sanction or expel Russian diplomats.Ukrainian Foreign Minister Culba urged the European Union to impose new sanctions on Russia.

U.S. State Department spokesman Pryce issued a statement saying that the United States also expressed "deep attention" to Russia's plans to block foreign naval ships and other ships in some areas of the Black Sea.

He said: "This means that Moscow has once again upgraded for no reason to weaken and destroy the stable activities of Ukraine."

The Federal Aviation Administration calls on various airlines to be "extremely cautious" when flying to Ukraine -Russia's border due to potential flight safety risks.

Since Moscow's swallowed in Moscow seven years ago, nearly 1.5 million people have been displaced.That Donbass war took more than 3,000 lives.