Jiang Guiying Seoul Correspondent

[email protected]

The US and South Korean think tank estimates that North Korea already has more than 100 nuclear bombs, and may increase to up to 242 by 2027, plus dozens of intercontinental missiles; therefore, in order to curb North Korea's nuclear threat, it is necessary to deploy in South Korea to carry it to be equippedUS strategic and tactical nuclear weapons medium -range ballistic missiles.

The Korean Institute of Policy and the Rand Asia -Pacific Policy Center (CAPP) published on the 13th how to cope with the Nuclear threat report.The report pointed out that experts from the two countries have always believed that North Korea's ultimate goal is not only to support the nuclear, but use nuclear weapons to exchange economic compensation.

The report believes that the North Korean regime regards nuclear weapons as a tool that can achieve domestic, diplomatic and military goals at the same time.Alliances, strengthening strong diplomacy, and enhanced war capabilities are the goals of the North Korean regime.

The report pointed out that the Kim Jong -un regime believes that nuclear weapons are assets that must be owned.system.

The report speculates that as of 2017, the number of North Korean nuclear bombs was only 30 to 60, an increase of 12 to 18 each year.It is expected that by 2027, the scale of its nuclear bomb library will increase to 151 to 242.Experts are calculated based on the total amount of tadpoles (30 to 63 kg) and total concentrated uranium (175 to 645 kg) at the end of 2019.

The two research institutions also predict that by 2027, North Korea's intercontinental missiles will be increased to dozens of, and their threats to the United States will further increase.

The report also imagined the possible scenes of North Korea after the increasing nuclear capacity of the North Korea after the increasing nuclear capacity.40 to 60 nuclear bombs raid South Korea ’s political and military goals, making South Korean and American military forces and command control paralysis.


Report also predicts that once North Korea has more than 100 nuclear warheads, it will be sold overseas, thereby accelerating nuclear diffusion.

The research team proposes that in order to curb North Korea's nuclear capabilities, South Korea and the United States urgently need to strengthen the response power. It is necessary to deploy medium -range ballistic missiles equipped with US strategies and tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea.In addition, it is necessary to re -deploy tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea to actively put pressure on North Korea.

North Korea showed new intercontinental ballistic missiles in the parade in October and January of last year.

Experts believe that North Korea may test the intercontinental ballistic missiles this year and put pressure on the Bayeon government in the United States.