In the past few days, there have been countless photos of the Easter Easter eggs in the social media. Burmese anti -government -changing demonstrators have "we must win", "Spring Revolution" and "MAH (MAH)."Words, as well as patterns such as three fingers symbolizing anti -active and dictatorship.

(Yangon Composite Electric) Myanmar is mostly Buddhists, and there are no majority of locals celebrating Easter, but Easter Easter eggs have become the latest symbol of anti -military coup.Many people have written various signs of anti -military power on eggs, showing their determination to fight to the end.

In the past few days, there have been countless photos of Easter eggs on social media. The words such as "we must win", "Spring Revolution" and "MAH" on the egg coatingAnd dictatorship's three -finger ceremony and other patterns."MAH" is the abbreviation of English names of Min Angle, chief of the Burma Defense Forces.

A large number of young people on the streets on the streets will be painted with information Easter Eggs.

Some social media posts show that in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, a large number of young people distribute these eggs with information on the street to passers -by.

Although the military government continued to adopt bloody means against anti -political protests, there were still a large number of demonstrators who were not afraid and repeatedly on the street demonstration.In Manderer in the second largest city, thousands of demonstrators went to the streets early yesterday in the morning. Some of them walked, some of them rode a motorcycle, and held dissatisfaction with the signs with anti -military power.According to social media posts, the authorities later sent a large number of military and police to disperse the demonstrations.

A number of towns in northern, central and southern Myanmar also protested yesterday.In addition, some demonstrators held candlelight protests overnight on Saturday.

The military has previously ordered the data service and wireless broadband Internet services of Zhong Diecope to further limit the people's access to the Internet, but many people still have information and share information and share photos through radio, offline network resources and telephone SMS.

The Government of the Burmese Army wanted nearly 40 anti -military political network celebrity singers

In order to further target the anti -political change movement, the military government issued a wanted order to nearly 40 Internet celebrities, singers, models, and reporters from nearly 40 anti -military power last week.

A wanted blog, Sallingwen, revealed in a telephone interview with Reuters that he was shocked when he saw his wanted news from TV news. At present, he has found a safe place to avoid the pursuit of the authorities.

He said, "I didn't do anything bad at all, I just spoke on the side of the truth. If this is punished, I have a clear conscience. My belief will not change. Everyone knows that things will be changed. Everyone knows that things will be changed. Everyone knowTruth. "

According to the non -profit human rights group Myanmar Political Society Aid Association, since the coup has occurred on February 1, at least 557 people have died under the military forces of the military, and 2,658 were detained by the authorities, including last week in Yangon, Yangon last weekThe four women and one man interviewed by the United States CNN (CNN).

The military coup has also triggered a conflict between the ethnic minority armed organizations and the government forces. The Myanmar military suddenly launched an air strike on the control zone of the Caren National Alliance, one of the main anti -government armed organizations entangled in the Burmese border between Thai and Myanmar.A large number of local residents abandoned their families and fled to Thailand to take refuge.It is reported that the Burmese Army ’s air strikes have taken at least three people, and about 1200 residents have escaped into a safe area.

The northern Kachin State also broke out of the conflict between the Burmese army and the ethnic minority armed organizations, forcing thousands of people to escape into India to seek asylum.

10 Rebellion Organization Conference Conferences are worried about turmoil evolution of civil war

It is reported that 10 rebels in Myanmar conducted a connection meeting on Saturday to discuss the Myanmar crisis, which caused people to worry that Myanmar's existing turmoil would evolve into civil war.