(Morning News) On Monday (February 21), the UN Security Council deepened the Ukrainian crisis evening. Be heldemergency meeting.

Agence France -Presse reported that the French ambassador to the United Nations Derevi pointed out that the situation of Ukraine was turning, "We are facing a very difficult situation."

When speaking at the meeting, Russian President Putin ordered the Russian army to enter the Donbas region (including Donetsk and Lugusk State) controlled by the Russian army to enter the Wudong separationist rebels.

Greenfield said: "He calls these troops as peacekeeping forces. It's absurd. We all know what they are doing."

earlier news said that the UN Security CouncilThe emergency meeting was held by the United States, the United Kingdom and France.

At the same time, the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres also felt deeply concerned about Russia's decision to recognize Russia's "Donetsk People's Republic" and "Lugusk People's Republic" in eastern Ukraine.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Gutres issued a statement through a spokesman, calling on all parties to resolve the conflict of eastern Ukraine in accordance with the Minsk agreement recognized by the Security Council.According to the statement, according to the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly, the United Nations still fully supports Ukraine's internationally recognized sovereign independence and territorial integrity in its international recognition.

Statement urges relevant parties to stop hostile operations immediately, protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, prevent any actions and remarks that may upgrade the situation, and give priority to diplomatic activities to solve all problems peacefully.

Getres attended the 58th Munich Safety Conference last week to Germany.In view of the continuous deterioration of Ukraine, Gutres has canceled the original plan to visit the Congo and returned to New York on Tuesday.