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(Morning News) Australian Prime Minister Morrison condemned Russia to inherit Recognize the independent decisions of two separate areas in eastern Ukraine, and indicate that Australia will be inSanctions on Russia are consistent with its western allies.

Reuters reported that Morrison said at a press conference on Tuesday (February 22) that Russia should withdraw its army unconditionally unconditionally and stop threatening its neighbors.

Morrison said that Russia's actions were "completely unacceptable", saying that Russia's theory of performing peacekeeping mission near the Ukrainian border was "nonsense."

According to the Japanese Yomiuri News, if Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, Japan may join the US -led sanctions against Russia, including prohibiting chips and other key technologies exported to Russia.

The report refers to the export ban that the Kishida government is considering will be more extensive than that of Russia in 2014.

The Kishida government is also considering implementing stricter restrictions on Russian banks.

The Japanese Cabinet Minister did not immediately respond to the comment request.