
Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

On the occasion of the Xinjiang issue in China and Western countries, the Chinese official media launched a documentary undercurrent on Friday -Xinjiang's anti -terrorism challenge in China.The film shows that the complexity of Xinjiang's "dark war" is beyond the imagination of the outside world.

This documentary focuses on the "inner ghosts" who condonate and support the riots of Xinjiang, which is an official who has served as an important job in the party and government agencies.These officials who are officially referred to as the "two -sided person" include Hill Zeti Baweidong, the original deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Political and Legal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the original hall of the Xinjiang Education Department Changsha Tal Saigi.

In the official structure, the political and legal system is the "knife handle" of consolidating the regime, and the education department is responsible for the growth of young people.In Xinjiang, where the population of ethnic minorities occupy the majority, these two systems have long -term high -weight "inner ghosts", which directly weakens the official cracking down on "three forces (religious extreme forces, national division forces, violent terrorist forces)".Essence

The documentary introduction, Hilziti, who graduated from Northwest Political Science and Law School, was a counter -terrorist hero, but after he served as the head of the public security director of Mo Yu County, Xinjiang in 2001, he actively came into contact with the head and face of religious extreme thoughts."Establishing its own country" is also the government that must be resolutely hit.

Hill Zati also took the initiative to contact the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement (East Iran)" backbone members who were officially characterized by China as "three forces", and gave more than 1,000 "East Iraq" organizations in Egypt in Egypt.10,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 2 million) funds.In 2013, the "East Iraq" called on Uyghur students to participate in the "Holy Battle" training course. Hilzyt's men sent more than 60 young Uighur teenagers outside the age of 14 to 18, and some of them sneaked back secretly after the training.Xinjiang is engaged in splitting.

The film disclosed that when Hilzeti only hit the water when performing counter -terrorism duties, it did not crack down on other participants or development objects.One stubble.In 2015, Hill Zati met with the backbone of the East and Iranian Games twice during his business outbound exit, revealing Xinjiang's anti -terrorism information information.

Hilziti, who has been secretly supporting and participating in Xinjiang, has been promoted and reused all the way.It was not removed until September 2018.At present, Hill Zati has been sentenced to two years of execution.Compared with Hilzyt, the official Satar Shawiti, who is the Minister of Education from Xinjiang, is more harmful to the official governance of Xinjiang.

Documentary revealed that since 2002, Sartar and then Deputy Director of the Department of Education, two presidents of Xinjiang Education Press, and two editors of the agency formed a "criminal group" to form a "criminal group" in Xinjiang primary and secondary schools.The textbooks add more about the "national oppression" and "Turkic hero", including the story of "Han soldiers forcing Uyghur heroes to jump cliffs", preaching "pan -Islamic" and "pan -Turkicism" thought, but there is no Chinese flag in China, National Anthem.The use of textbooks is 13 years long.

Saval admits in the film: "Regardless of the seventy -five incident (2009 Xinjiang riots), or in some violent horror incidents, a considerable part of the participants are students we cultivated."

The "problem textbooks" led by Shatar can be used for many years, showing that the Xinjiang propaganda department has major defects on the review of Victoria's textbooks.In fact, although Satarta is the head of the Education Department, it is only the deputy secretary of the party group of the Department of Education. It is not the "first leader".In addition, there is also the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, which is the "first leader" of the Han Dynasty cadres.These Han cadres are not strict with the "problem textbooks", which may not be strict because they do not understand Victoria's language, but they are more likely that they lack a sense of responsibility and want to be elements.

Hilzyti and Satarta, who pursue Xinjiang's independence, have long been like fish in the system for a long time, and become the main hall -level cadres who have the power to hold power, showing that the official has many loopholes in selecting and managing ethnic minority cadres.Under these vulnerabilities, "two -sided people" such as Hilzati and Satar may not be the case.

For a long time, Chinese officials have rarely publicized the political issues of ethnic minority cadres because of maintaining the image of "national unity".The documentary was undercurrent -China's anti -terrorism challenge in Xinjiang broke this convention through disclosure of Hill Zeti and Satar cases.This shows that as China and Western countries are fully launched around Xinjiang issues, officials will no longer taboo deep contradictions in ethnic minority areas, and seek new governance strategies on this basis.

Multidimensional News quoted Xu Jianying, a researcher at the Chinese Frontier Research Institute the day before yesterday, said that the "two -sided people" exposed in the documentary are only a small part, which can be said to be "shocking."So it is necessary to grab "two -sided people".Any society, engage in riots, division and extremeization, the root is still on the elite.The people at the bottom are actually followed.Therefore, the governance of the elite layer is very important and seize the crux of the problem.

Xu Jianying believes that the core of the Xinjiang issue is the contradiction between the enemy and me and the problem of division."Treatment of contradictions between the enemy and me as the internal contradiction of the people is to deal with it. This is why we made mistakes for a long time."

It is foreseeable that after the official exposure to the political problems of Hilziti, Satarta and others, they will continue to dig deep into the "two -sided people" in the system and make stricter the political quality of ethnic minorities cadres.The review of the "two -sided people" is strictly preventing the "two -sided people" occupying important positions in the party and government agencies and the education system.