The Ministry of General Supervisor of the Ministry of Defense of Japan released information yesterday (April 4) stated that six surface ships including the Chinese Navy Liaoning carrier sailed to the Pacific Ocean through the waters between Okinawa and Miyako Island.

The Global Times reported last night that according to the announcement of the Japanese Ministry of Defense, around 8 am the day before yesterday (April 3), the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force found six China in the waters of about 470 kilometers southwest of the Men and Women Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture.Naval ships sail southeast, respectively, Liaoning aircraft carriers, one Renhai -class missile destroyer, two travelers III -class missile destroyers, one frigates, and a combat support ship.

The six Chinese warships traveled to China Southern Airlines through the waters between Okinawa and Gonggu Island and drove towards the Pacific Ocean.The Japanese Self-Defense Force sent P-1, P-3C patrol aircraft, etc. to collect important information.

The Global Times pointed out that according to the on -site screens of the Ministry of Defense of Japan, in addition to the Liaoning carrier, this aircraft carrier formation also includes the 055 Nanchang 10,000 -ton large missile destroyer (101 ship), the 052D Chengdu and the Taiyuan No.Missile destroyers (120 ships and 131 ships), 054A Huanggang missile frigate (577 ship), and Hulun Lake comprehensive supply ship (965 ship).

It is reported that the Liaoning carrier formation has entered the Pacific Water through many times through the Gong ancient Strait for long -term training.In May 2018, Ren Guoqiang, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense, stated at a regular press conference that the Liaoning ship carrier formation has initially formed a system combat capability.

For the training of Chinese aircraft carrier formations, Chinese Navy spokesman Gao Xiucheng introduced that according to the annual plan arrangement, the Chinese Navy organized the Liaoning ship carrier formation cross -regional maneuverability, and the Evangle Palace Strait and other training. This is the annual plan.The routine arrangement is in line with international law and international practice.