The New York Times reported that the situation in Russia and the Ukraine was at the end of the situation, making part of the parts of Wudong from Donetzk and Lugusk in the region became the focus of attention from the outside world.The Western Government warns that Russia may use these two pro -Russian regions to launch the "fake flag" to create an excuse for invasion of Ukraine.

Donetsk and Lugusk are separated from the Western Ukraine in 2014 and announced their independence by themselves.If a catastrophic accident occurs in the two places, this will trigger more violence and even become the fuse of war.

For example, the local house may be hit by a bomb, or there are terrorists who attacked the fleeing refugee, etc., whether these incidents have been deliberately planned or occurred, Ukraine will be blamed, and Russia will have it.The troops were fastened.

The Ukrainian military said on the 19th that the pro -Russian separatists of Lugiak states to fire to many places in the state, in order to marry the U -Army.Ukraine also said that the Russian army was preparing to launch a terrorist attack on civilians as an excuse for sending "peacekeeping forces".

The two separated areas announced the evacuation of 700,000 women and children on the grounds that the Ukraine plans to attack them.Lugusk's security forces also said that bombs were found on the bus driving routes carried by evacuation personnel.

Because Donetsk and Lugusk strictly restrict the freedom of the people, the outside world knows not much to the actual situation in the local area.Analysts believe that the two places have previously been violent incidents that may also be fake flag attacks.The Ukrainian intelligence department said the Russian security forces or local agents have been creating violent incidents in the two places for many years.

So far, the thousands of residents of Donetzk and Lugusk are evacuated to Russia.In an interview with Russia's 63 -year -old woman Zuwa, Ukraine accused Ukraine on fire in the towns of the two places.

She said: "Ukraine soldiers standing only 6 miles (about 9.6 kilometers) only from us, we can hear their voice very clearly."

There are also some some of them also somePeople choose to go to Ukraine.The 17 -year -old Yodorov originally lived with his grandfather in Lugiak, but he decided to go to Kiev to rely on his mother to escape the recruitment.He accepted an eight -hour question on Sunday before being allowed to be the only inspection station in connecting the separated area and Ukraine.

He said, "I have no future here. They send the boy to the front line, regardless of their life and death ... Among the people I know, none of them are willing/p>