Ukrainian crisis ● No dawn

Bynden government believes that Putin has decided to attack a comprehensive attack.The evidence collected by American intelligence officials shows that the primary goal of the Kremlin is Kiev.The Russian army deployed in the border areas of Beros and Ukraine is one of the evidence; in addition, Beros has also extended Belarusian military exercises.

(Munich News) The United States notify the allies Kermlin has issued an order to attack Ukraine, but it is not certain that Russia will invade and attack step by step.Squeeze Ukraine.

U.S. President Bayeng said on Friday that intelligence shows that Russia may attack Ukraine "in the next week or a few days".The New York Times reported that the intelligence department did not know whether the order of Russian President Putin was large -scale invasion or a gradual attack.Will it shake?

U.S. officials thought a few weeks ago that the more likely situation is that Russia recognizes the independence of the control zone of the Eastern Ukraine. Putin hopes that this will cause some NATO allies to be timid. Russia has the opportunity to get what they want.There is no need to attack Ukraine.

The Bayeng government is also planning. If Russia takes a series of small or less obvious actions, how to deal with the United States.

Russia can cut off Ukrainian grids and communication systems.Neyen, a recent head -in -law of Biden, sent the national security deputy adviser to the emerging technology department to explain to the allies that Russia launched a network attack and spread to Europe and the United States.

Another "small -scale invasion" may be quasi -military operations, such as the Soviet Union invaded Hungary in 1956 or invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968.

American intelligence means that Russia will support the puppet government in Ukraine

In the past two weeks, the Bayeng government believes that Putin may have decided to attack.About three weeks ago, evidence collected by American intelligence officials showed that the primary goal of the Kremlin was Kiev.The deployment of the Russian army in the border area of Beros and Ukraine is one of the evidence.Berlog announced the day before yesterday that the increase in military activities on the Belarus border and the tension of the tension in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine decided to extend the Belarusian joint military exercise that had ended the day before yesterday.

U.S. officials do not know that these troops will threaten Kiev from afar, attack them, or surround the Kiev, but do not enter the urban area to avoid alley war.

Another worst situation is that Russia cuts off the Internet of Ukraine, interferes with mobile phones and computer networks, destroy communication between military units, and continues to conduct rocket attacks and lane battles for one or two weeks.Anyone.

U.S. officials who have obtained the Russian attack plan said: "We were told that in the first few days, tens of thousands of people were expected to be casualties."The military work was dead, and the NATO continued to supply weapons and equipment. After several weeks of battle, the battle evolved into guerrilla warfare.Some intelligence analysis states that Russia will support the puppet government in Ukraine and then withdraw troops to avoid long -term occupation.