Deng Xize

I don't pay much attention to the current political situation in Myanmar, and I don't know much about it, but I accidentally saw a small video on Myanmar's Chinese website, which made me can't help but worry about political resistance.

In this small video, a seven or eight -year -old, beautiful little girl lifts the horn, shouting the slogan with a crisp and loud sound.Due to the differences in language, what the slogan shouted, I couldn't understand, but it was certain that a large group of adults shouted the slogan with the little girl.

In this article, I used children: Hong Kong's anti -repair agency ethical issues (Lian Zaobao October 29, 2019) This article, I have clearly expressed their opposition to political participation in minors.Here, I reiterate the same view.In the Middle Ages, rationality was not yet developed. Christianity used the scouts for the use of the gods of the gods; contemporary minors participated in politics and could be called "political scouts".

Political Scouting Army in Myanmar's Political Bureau

In modern society, no matter which country in, it is unreasonable and anti -human.Any political act, as long as the political scouts are used, regardless of how righteous their political demands are, their justice will be discounted.Because the motivation (or purpose) cannot determine the legitimate means, otherwise it will lead to the "murderer" of Qing Confucianism Dai Zhen, which is today's moral abduction and political abduction.No matter how just a motivation, you can't help it.

For example, in today's world, there are too many populations, resources are increasingly lacking, and the global environment has gradually deteriorated.As a result, a perpetrator (individual, group or country) claimed that for human happiness and the improvement of the earth's environment, we should slaughter half of the world.This means can indeed reduce the population of the world, no longer lack of resources, and the environment is gradually improved; and in this example, motivations and effects are consistent.

May I ask: Is this behavior moral?It is moral and even judged according to the motivation to determine the legitimate means. It is also moral.However, this is obviously serious and unrealistic.This case can be called the "slaughter dilemma" of motivation theory. It can be sharply revealed that no matter how proper the motivation is, it cannot determine the legitimate means, and it is necessary to consider the legitimacy of the means.

The irrational and anti -human nature of the political scouts

Is the political boy army reasonable?The first thing to think about is not the right of minors and what they can do, but to understand the characteristics and requirements of political behavior, and then see if minors meet their requirements.

Politics is the most complicated public activity of human beings, involving the considerations and games of various short -term, medium and long -term interests of various individuals and classes.The judgment of politics is far complicated than the judgment of domestic violence, alcoholism, and theft.Therefore, this requires political participants to have a higher ability to judge and take responsibility.

A political behavior must be considered at least two aspects: first, participants should evaluate the rationality of their behavior, which requires reason; second, participants must evaluate the risk of their behavior, which also requires rationality.Therefore, rationality is the front conditions of political behavior and the pre -conditions of democracy.Without rational democracy, it will be reduced to populist politics or hooligan politics.The Athens Citizens' Congress executing Socrates is a classic case of populist politics.

Are minors rational?It is undeniable that some minors are more rational than adults, but this is just a case.In large -scale and repetitive public activities, society cannot pay huge costs to identify the degree of rationality of everyone.In addition, regardless of vertical comparison (comparison with adults) or horizontal comparison, adults are usually more rational than minors.

In order to reduce the cost of political operation, modern law adopts a simplified means, that is, the age of age, which is based on age, distinguish the full behavior of people, people with restrictions on behavioral capabilities, and people with no behavior.Minors are people who restrict behavioral abilities or people who have no ability, that is, those who are not mature enough.Laws usually do not give some political rights for minors, such as the right to vote and the right to be elected.

Therefore, indulgence, allowing, or encouraging minors to participate in the political parade and demonstration are very irrational and irresponsible.It's polite to say that this behavior is almost worse than the use of the Tongzi Army to fight the Middle Ages, because the rationality of modern society should have improved.

The risk of minors participating in politics is less, but can they treat them as tools and weapons therefore?cannot.Democracy cannot be abused or rational.In my opinion, modern countries should clearly prohibit minors from participating in certain political activities. In addition to elections and elections, these political activities should also include parade, demonstration, and rally.This is not aimed at Myanmar, but for all countries.I even advocate that at the United Nations Convention level, it is limited to minors to participate in certain political activities such as parades, demonstrations, and rally.

This is not essentially not restrictions on minors, but protection of them.No matter which country, as long as it allows minors to participate in political parade, demonstration, rally, etc., it is unreasonable and irresponsible.

minors can be curious and understand

Regardless of whether the political demands of the Burmese anti-military government's power are legitimate, this is a political game of adults. There are no reasons for indulgence, allowing or even encouraging minors to participate in the parade demonThe purpose of the other party.How to play with adults is a matter of adults, but some things cannot be involved in children.I don't deny that minors can make judgments and even participate in some events.

For example, for domestic violence, minors can make judgments, and they can use action to anti -domestic violence.For another example, most minors can also make judgments on alcoholism, gambling, theft and other behaviors.However, politics is much more complicated than the above behavior. Do not say that minors, even adults, can not make reasonable judgments.

Some people may say that minors participating in politics are their rights.However, if rationality and abilities do not match their rights, this right will only be abused.However, participation is different from curiosity and understanding.There is no right to participate in one thing, and it does not mean that there is no right to be curious and understanding.What I oppose is not the curiosity and understanding of politics, but to participate in politics.To say the right, is the eight -year -old child curious and understand the right to understand the atomic bullet?have.Is there a right to participate in the research and development of atomic bombs?have.But ask: Can eight -year -old children participate in the research and development of atomic bombs?

In modern society, many rights given and protect people's rights, including the law, can not be prohibited.However, some things, especially those things that have high rational or technical requirements, do not have the right to do, but also have the corresponding ability."The prince will be good, rather than there is a kind of species?" Although it is good, but this "species" is just right, and should also ask: "The prince will be the same, you can be talented?" This "talent" is the abilityEssence

Therefore, the struggle must talk about ethics, and the means must have a bottom line.One of the bottom lines is to allow non -adults to be curious and understand politics, but it is forbidden to participate in politics, especially for participation in parade and demonstration.This rule is fair to any political group and strength, so it is a neutral rule.

Political Scouting Army Affected Life

I don't believe that little girl in Myanmar knows the meaning of the slogan she shouted and knows what she is doing; she is exactly a doll.Anyone has a growth stage.Some irrational behaviors are the nature of minors, such as crying and making trouble, which may change with age.It can be guided by such irrational behaviors, but it should not be excessively curbed.

However, some irrational behaviors can be avoided.Once minors participate in irrational social activities, it is easy to control their ideas and even affect their lifetime.When they are adults, they are easier to judge social affairs alone by standing, interests, etc., and then become irrational factor in society.If there are so many people, I don't believe that society will be rational.

Regarding the Political Scouting Army, there is an example of a Yin Jian not far, that is, the Red Guards of Mainland China in the 1960s and 1970s (the Red Guards have adults, which mainly refer to minors).The Red Guards are the political scouts, onlyBut the scale is larger.Political Scouts often only rely on their positions and act in their respects during minors, and it is difficult to change after adulthood.Therefore, the true harm of the political scouts may not be manifested in decades.

On the premise of rational reflection and error correction atmosphere in society, the sequelae may also require generations to overcome and clear.If the society does not have the atmosphere of rational reflection and error correction, the harm of the political scouts may be increasingly enlarged, so that a country and society will be destroyed, and it will never be reunited.

Movement of political scouts: Be careful to broadcast small fleas and harvest big fleas.

The author is a professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University

In modern society, no matter which country in, it is unreasonable and anti -human.Any political act, as long as the political scouts are used, regardless of how righteous their political demands are, their justice will be discounted.