The Bayeng government pays attention to some policies and measures that China uses to stimulate the economy, saying that these policies exclude foreign companies will distort the market.

According to Bloomberg report, the US trade representatives released by foreign trade barriers yesterday in the 2021 foreign trade barriers show that the "Made in China 2025" released by China in 2015 includes extensive state intervention and support, restricting and discrimination with foreign companies.

Bynden's view is consistent with the Trump and the Obama administration.

"Even if China fails to fully realize the industrial policy goals set in 'Made in China 2025', it may still cause or exacerbate market distortion, and cause serious overcapacity in many target industries," said US trade representatives."This may also cause long -term damage to the interests of the United States, because China's supporting companies have increased their market share and damage the interests of American companies operating in these fields."

China and the United States have fallen into a trade war during the Trump period and continued to this day. The United States still impose tariffs on Chinese goods of about $ 335 billion (S $ 470.6 billion) each year.

In the first phase of the trade agreement last year, China promised to buy more American products.However, due to the damage to the transportation and supply chain of the crown disease, Beijing failed to achieve the 2020 agreement target.

U.S. trade representative Dai Qi called on China to fulfill its promise at the confirmation hearing last month.She acknowledged that U.S. officials had previously tried to promote the structural reform of the Chinese economy, but encountered obstacles and said that the Bayeng government needs to "explore all options."

It is reported that if the Chinese economy maintains the current growth trajectory, it will surpass the United States within ten years and become the world's largest economy.

US trade representatives said that Beijing continued to provide a large amount of subsidies for its domestic industries, which has damaged the US industry.The United States is cooperating with the European Union and Japan to determine further effective actions and potential rules to solve the problem of unopened subsidies that existing obligations are currently not covered.