Data show that there are currently over 300 million people in China that have sleep disorders, and the incidence of insomnia in Chinese adults is as high as 38.2%.When the "Insomnia Army" became a huge group, the "Sleep Economy" also came into being and a pretty market.

According to the China News Agency, the 2021 Sports and Sleep White Paper shows that at present, more than 300 million people in China have sleep disorders, and the incidence of insomnia in Chinese adults is as high as 38.2%.CCTV reported that the market size of China's sleep industry has exceeded 100 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 20 billion), and will exceed trillion yuan in 2030.

The turnover of online sleep aid products has also increased year by year. The 2019-2020 online sleep consumption report released by the JD Data Research Institute shows that the bedding of bedding, improving sleep health products, sleeping technology products, and other online transactionsShowing a stable growth trend.The reporter saw on the shopping platform that as the market expands, various "sleep artifacts" such as sleep help instruments, sleep assistance, steam eye masks, sound insulation earplugs, and sleeping pillows have emerged endlessly, and their sales are good.

Many companies have also set their sights on the "sleep economy", and various "sleep black technology" has emerged in the market.The major sleep aid apps can play hypnosis sound effects, and can also record snoring dreams and monitor sleep depth and quality; "good night" milk, sleep help drinks are launched, aiming at soothe gods and sleep help effects; and hotels on March 21st World Sleep DayThe theme accommodation experience activity is launched to provide the residents with the sleeping yoga service of the sleeping soup and the "Song bow audio therapy".

As the sleep disorders are becoming more "younger", health management has been valued by more young people, and the willingness to "pay" for the "pay" for sleeping is also stronger.The above 2019-2020 online sleep consumption report shows that the "post-95s" user's sleep consumption turnover has increased the highest, and they are more for sleep consumption for improving the needs of work and living conditions.

Li Yan, director of the Sleep Medical Center of Ningxia Ning'an Hospital, introduced: "In the past, the patients we visited were mainly elderly people, but now more and more young people come to treat insomnia." The number of outpatients for the Sleep Medical Center last year was 13000Many people, many of the patients who came to consult and treat.

Li Yan said: "If you have more than three insomnia a week and the condition lasts for one month, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for treatment." Sleeplers and drugs should be treated scientifically and ensure safety when purchasing.

Li Yan pointed out that "many patients' sleep problems actually originate from mental and emotional obstacles. Insomnia is only one of the symptoms." Developing good sleep habits and maintaining a positive mental state is the treatment of sleep problems."Best Medicine".