U.S. officials said that China has significantly increased oil imports from Iran and Venezuela. This is a challenge to the two foreign policy priorities of Bayeng government, and weakening the key diplomatic chips required by Washington's restarted long -term stagnation negotiations.

The Wall Street Journal revealed that according to data from the commodity data company Kpler, it is expected that China will import 918,000 barrels of oil from Iran every day in March, which will be the highest import of comprehensive oil for Dehilland two years ago.

This trend has been confirmed by other shipping tracking agencies, and some of them believe that crude oil transaction volume has reached 1 million barrels per day.

SARA Vakhshouri, president of SVB Energy International, Washington, said: "If you sell 1 million barrels of oil at the current price at the current price, Iran has no motivation to negotiate."

When asked about how China imported Iran's crude oil on the efforts of the restarting contact with Tehran, the US State Department did not reply to the Wall Street Journal's comment request.

As for the law of Bayeng's government that will relax the sanctions without converging in Tehran, the US State Department spokesman Pois refutes it; the agreement is called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA).

Polis told reporters earlier this week: "If the Iranian feels that, even if they do not have any restoration of the actions that comprehensively comply with JCPOA, we will also provide a preferential or unilateral attitude.Misunderstanding. "

Reports pointed out that Chinese officials have long criticized the United States' policy on Iran and Venezuela for a long time, coercive, and put forward the same criticism of US financial diplomacy.

For the US -China relations that have been under pressure on a series of security and economic disputes, the two number one enemy in Beijing and Washington has added a major stimulating factor for crude oil trade.