Shanghai Hongkou District recently launched a renovation and reconstruction project for the first Japanese comfort institute "Great One Salon", which is recognized by the international academic community, which aroused external concerns.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Hongkou District has selected house acquisition and evaluation agencies on the 12th of this month. After an appraisal and evaluation of more than 160 households, compensation and resettlement will be carried out immediately.Essence

According to the Observation of the Yonhap News Agency, some residents living in the "Great One Salon" area have begun to move.A 66 -year -old Lao Lu revealed that the compensation work will end in May, so they will be moved out.But local residents do not know how the government will renovate and transform.A resident said that the government may demolish old houses and rebuild commercial housing.

Experts believe that the original site of the "One Salon" retains the "original appearance" of the Japanese Army's comfort house, which has great historical significance and it is necessary to manage and protect it.

Reporting quoted Su Zhiliang, a professor at the Department of History of Shanghai Normal University, said that the sexual slave system of the Japanese army was originated here, and the protection of the site was of great significance.

Kim Zhoukong, a professor at Yuanguang University in South Korea, also pointed out that evidence of human evidence is an important evidence of refuting that Harvard Professor John Mark Mark Ramzil and others trying to deny the fact that the Japanese army is requisition for comfort women.Once the space disappears, the power of the record will naturally weaken.

In January 1932, the Japanese Marine Corps Command chose the "Big One Salon" (Baoshan Road), "Xiaosongting Pavilion" (No. 5 Dafu Li, Yongle), and "Yongle Pavilion" in HongkouRoad, today's Liyang Road), "Three Good Museums" (Matshew Baili Lili, Wusong Road), four Japanese customs opened by Japanese people's custom stores as designated comfort centers for the navy.

"One Greater Salon" is the world's first and the longest -lasting Japanese "comfort house" recognized by the international academic community.