Fu Huiyun sorting

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(Brussels Composite Electric) European vaccine is more and more competitive. The EU stated that they would start reviewing and eventually refused to authorize the export of Astra Crown vaccine to the United Kingdom until Astrick fulfilled the contract to deliver the contract to the European Union.

An anonymous senior official in the European Union told Bloomberg that Astrakon did not perform the contract with the EU, so any vaccine or component produced in European factories will be retained to the local area.

Asleykang previously notified Brussels that in the first quarter, it would only provide the EU with 30 million doses of vaccine, which was less than half of the contract commitment, which exacerbated the vaccine dispute between the European Union and the United Kingdom.The two sides pointed out that the other party implemented export restrictions and nationalism, which pose a threat to Britain and Europe's fragile after -Brexit trading relationship reached in December last year.

The European Commission said last week that it will restrict the export vaccine that has reached a high -level country with a high level of disrespect or vaccination rate.

As of Saturday, the average EU member states had an average of 10.4 doses per vaccine per 100 people, and 42.7 doses of Britain per 100 people.The United Kingdom is the largest receiver of vaccine made in the European Union, and 10 million doses from the 42 million dose of vaccines exported to the European Union to Britain.

EU leaders will discuss and decide whether to implement export restrictions when they meet on Thursday.According to Bloomberg, Italy and France have an open attitude towards the implementation of export ban; others such as Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands urged to act with caution and warn that this will affect European companies.

In London, the British Defense Secretary Wallace warned that if the EU prohibit the export of Astraikon due to the delay in the delivery of vaccines, it will only be "counterproductive."He pointed out that the world is paying attention to how the European Union responds to the lack of supply of Astraon vaccine, saying that it is related to the reputation of Brussels.

Large -scale clinical trials show that the effectiveness of the Astraikon vaccine is 79%

Data Analysis Company Airfinity's analysis report for the Guardian of the UK shows that if the EU implements export ban on crown vaccines, this will slow down the British vaccination plan for two months, while the EU vaccination plan with more population is onlyIt will speed up for more than a week.

The president of Airfinity Hanson said: "The export ban will cause the consequences of double losses and will affect the global expansion of production. The implementation ban means that the EU can increase the dose slightly in the short term, but it will not fundamentally change the supply of vaccines.The European Union may still rely on vaccine imports soon. "

He pointed out that if Britain restricts the export of raw materials for counterattacks, this will not only affect the European Union and the United Kingdom, but also significantly slow down the overall vaccine production.

On the other hand, a large -scale clinical trial conducted by more than 30,000 people in Chile, Peru, and the United States showed that the effectiveness of Astraon vaccine to prevent crown disease is as high as 79%and will not increase the risk of thrombosis.

Analysts say that the latest data should be able to eliminate doubts about the effectiveness and possible side effects of the Astraon vaccine.This vaccine was suspected of causing blood condensation. At least 17 and other countries in Europe were suspended for a while. It was not until the European Drug Administration announced that it was safe and effective and the benefits were higher than the potential risks.use.

Asleykang said after the latest clinical trial results came out that it intends to seek emergency use authorization in the United States within a few weeks.This vaccine has been allowed to be sold or emergency in more than 50 countries and regions.