(Morning News) reported on Sunday (February 20), Malaysia The co -founder and former Prime Minister Maha of the Motherland of the Motherland of WesternDi published "the second letter to Johor Zimin", hoping that the people would recognize that once the former Prime Minister Najib returns to the core of power, Malaysia will be covered with the stigma of "thieves governing the country".

Mahathir said that Najib did not feel ashamed to be accused of corruption, but also attempted to return to the core of political power to escape the punishment of justice.

According to earlier reports, the motherland fighters selected in Johor, which will not be selected with other political party alliances, and levy 42 state constituencies with their own flags.Mahathir said: "After I issued the first letter to the people of Johor, Najib said, I satirized that I started to criticize him again, which means that I have recovered. In fact, I feel that Najib's names are quite quite quite quite quite quite quite likeShame. "

Mahathir wrote in the letter that Najib has always thought that he did not make mistakes, and also thought that his current encounter was a political persecution.He said that some people still choose to believe in Najib, not only calling Najib's "boss", but also kissing his hand.

Mahathir said that before the incident of the Yima company, he supported Najib, and he was also grateful to his father Lhasa.He said that unfortunately Najib was like his father, he was a patriot and a dignified ethnic fighter.

"With the help of Liu Tezuo, Najib stole national assets. Foreign media described this as a plunder of idiots, and the appeal court described Najib as a national shame."

Mahathir also revealed that when the Uchma scandal was revealed, Najib's brother Nasir met him and revealed the crimes committed by his brother.He said: "These narratives are very detailed, and I will continue to criticize Najib, and at the same time, I will also criticize anyone who destroys the country and deceive the people."