The Ministry of General Supervision of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense announced yesterday that a total of three ships such as the Chinese Navy Renhai -class destroyer sailed from the Malaysian Strait to the Japan Sea.This is the first time that the Maritime Self -Defense Force has confirmed its activities in Japan.Chinese ships have not entered Japan's territorial waters, nor do they have dangerous actions against sea ships and aircraft.

According to the reports of the Kyodo News Agency, the Japanese and American governments held a meeting of the Security Protection Council (2+2) meeting of the Security Protection Consultation Committee (2+2) attended by the Japanese and American governments on Tuesday (16th) to name China.The Ministry of Defense is analyzing the intention of China to sail near Japan at this time in detail.

According to the Fun curtain of the province of Defense, around 11 am the day before yesterday, about 250 kilometers southwest of Malaysia in Nagasaki Prefecture, Haizi multi -purpose support ship "Cao Tiacao", the missile boat "White Eagle" and P and P.-1 The patrol aircraft found three Chinese ships.After that, the three ships drove into the Japan Sea from the Malaysia Strait.

Renhai is the largest destroyer of the Chinese Navy.The first Renhai -class destroyer served in January 2020.It is said to be equipped with a missile vertical launch system, which can launch long -range cruise missiles and supersonic anti -ship cruise missiles.