(Munich Comprehensive) Ukrainian President Zelei Sky Call for the international community to provide new security guarantees to Ukraine on Saturday, saying that the existing global system can no longer ensure the safety of Ukraine.

As Russia may attack Ukraine at any time, Zelei went to Germany to attend the Munich Safety Conference last weekend.In his speech, he called on the world to learn "terrible historical lessons" and blame the international community to condon Russia.

He refers to the "almost collapsed" of the global security structure, hoping to hold a meeting including the State of the United Nations Security Council, Germany and Turkey, to provide new security guarantees for Ukraine.

He said: "The rules agreed in the world decades ago are no longer valid. They cannot keep up with a new threat and cannot effectively overcome the threat. When you need a coronary vaccine, you get a cough.Symbolic. The safety system response is slow and collapsed, because countries around the world are selfish, too confident and irresponsible. "

He mentioned that Ukraine abandoned nuclear weapons in 1994, in exchange for Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States' security to Ukraine to Ukraine.It is guaranteed, but they do not have practical actions; Russian President Putin shows at a Munich Security Conference 15 years ago that it will challenge the international security system. Western countries choose to appease Russia, but Ukraine loses Crimea.

Zeleiski said that if Western countries are so convinced that Russia is about to launch an attack, it should impose sanctions on Moscow."After the war, we don't need your sanctions, we don't even have territory."

Western countries led by the United States have repeatedly pointed out that Russia will attack Ukraine.U.S. President Biden said on Friday that he was convinced that Putin was about to do, and the Ukraine capital Kiev was the target.

Russia has repeatedly denied intending to attack Ukraine, but requires NATO and the United States to provide guarantees on security, including prohibiting Ukraine from joining NATO.

Zeleiski said that NATO should express whether Ukraine can join."If not all members want to see us joining, or all members of the alliance do not want to see us to join, then honesty. Opening the door is a good thing, but we need to open the answer instead of avoiding it for many years."

Zeleiski is very serious in his speech and Q & A session, and from time to time, he is very witty, showing his comedian who has been in front of politics.

When his headphones couldn't hear the sound for a time, he teased Russia to launch a cyber attack.