After the Bayeng government came to power, it set two core goals for the US Foreign Affairs Fair: rebuilding the relationship with allies and establishing a united front on the Chinese issue. The more serious the challenge to China, the United States has proposed to revive the combination of the US, Japan, and India and the level of cooperation.Indo -Pacific order. China Deputy Foreign Minister Le Yucheng once refuted that the label of the wolf diplomacy is actually another copy of China's threat theory.The return of the Biden government to human rights diplomacy also injects new factors into Sino -US relations.


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The US government has changed its dynasty, and people who pay attention to the situation in China and the United States will take it for granted: stable and sophisticated Biden replaced the moody Trump, and Sino -US relations will recover.

However, the Bayeng government's tough attitude towards China exceeded many people's expectations, and many comments even said that the Bittanian administration was stronger.

Biden's foreign agenda has two core goals: rebuilding the relationship with allies and establishing a united front on the Chinese issue.

In his inauguration, Biden vowed to repair our ally relationship and contact the world again. He avoided talking about China and did not contact him. However, he held up the flag of multilateralism and frequent movements.

In addition to talks with European allies, Biden also resumed the Si -Party Security Dialogue Video Summit and Foreign Ministers composed of the United States, Japan, Australia, and India. Although it was not mentioned by China after the meeting, Japanese media reported that the four countries reported that the four countriesReaching consensus at the meeting strongly opposed China to try to unilaterally change the status quo by virtue of strength, and pointed out that this move aims to contain China's activities in the East China and South China Sea.

As China shows muscles in the Asia -Pacific region, countries will be more wary of its modern armed forces.

The reaction of individual participating countries is worthy of attention. Japanese foreign minister Maomin Chong emphasized that as the existing international order is constantly challenging in various fields, we shared the basic values and firmly committed to strengthening freedom and open international order on the basis of the rule of law.The role played will only get more and more important.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the four countries reiterated their common vision for the free and open Indo -Pacific, emphasizing that they are committed to maintaining international order based on rules.

According to media analysis, this summit is particularly important to Australia because Prime Minister Morrison has called for an independent investigation of the source of crown disease.Safety dialogue developed to a new level.This is something that Australia has been supported for many years.

Facing the International Order Facial Challenges

This week, the Biden government continued to send persistent efforts to send State Secretary of State Brosky and the Defense Minister Austin to visit Japan and South Korea to reiterate the promise of support and joint defense of the two countries and strengthen the united front.In the dialogue with Mao Mu, Blint also accused Beijing of means of local means including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang.

After explaining that Bayeng came to power, the United States spared no effort to focus on coordinating to contribute to China's increasingly improving military and economic influence.

The Sifang Security Dialogue was a cooperative coordinated disaster relief structure proposed by the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. There has been no actual actions.

As China's challenge becomes more serious, the US two -party diplomatic system has proposed to revive the combination of the four countries and improve the level of cooperation. Recently, media and scholars have begun to discuss this.The prototype of NATO is a part of balanced China's strong military and economic strength.

The joint statement issued after the meeting will swore a free, open, tolerant, healthy, healthy, and health -based Asia -Pacific region.EssenceAn interesting result of the summit is that the four countries will develop coronary vaccines for division of labor. The United States provides technology and provides funds in the United States and Japan.India is responsible for production and Australia is responsible for logistics.

Such ideas and vision must not be done in the Trump era, because he is a war wolf, all -sided tree enemies, isolation in the United States, and self -contained in allies and free worlds.

China has its own set of defense logic for the wolf diplomatic label.

Deputy Foreign Minister Le Yucheng delivered a keynote speech at the Third China Think Tank Influential Forum in December last year that the label of the Wolf Diplomacy was actually another replica of Chinese threat theory.Don't return your hands, scold you, give up the fight.

Le Yucheng said that since last year, the international anti -China hostile forces have attacked China and threatened other countries to block against China.He said that the wolf diplomacy was a misunderstanding of Chinese diplomacy. China has never actively provoked others, nor did he go to the threshold of other people's homes, and he did not go to other people's house to pick things up.

Now it is exactly that others come to our door to make Wu Yangwei, interfere with our housework, and talk about abuse and disconnecting us.We have no way to retreat, we have to fight for self -defense and firmly defend national interests and dignity.

Chinese and Western public opinion different interpretations of wolf wolf wolf

Obviously, Chinese and Western public opinion has different interpretations of the diplomacy of war wolves.

Let's compare the discussion in Europe and the United States first, according to Wikipedia's information:

The British Broadcasting Corporation commented that the new characteristics of the Chinese wolf diplomacy include: directly attacked the expansion of the outside world, instead of refuting or explaining it;If the epidemic is unfavorable and shirk the responsibility to China, it is either threatened to implement economic revenge on the host country.

The New York Times believes that war wolf diplomacy has led to resentment of other countries to China and threatening China's international status.

Lin He, a senior researcher at the Jameston Foundation of the United States Think Tank, pointed out that the wolf diplomacy caused suspicion in Europe and the United States and other countries, which caused China to fall into an isolated situation in the past 40 years, proving that this was a failed diplomatic policy.

Modern diplomacy is the ultimate goal to expand its country's interests and safeguard national security and dignity.The country is the purpose and direction of this.Talking about power conspiracy and power politics, as well as bilateral interests, Old Roosevelt and Nison (Gakisons) are representatives of this kind of power diplomacy.Old Roosevelt was the first president in the history of the United States to believe that the United States should become world power. He is a diplomatic realist. He is convinced that foreign policy should actively pursue national interests, rather than laid the abstract moral principles.

In the Cold War, the two major groups of the United States and the Soviet Union confronted each other as their own interests. Nesar played Chinese cards in the 1970s and anti -Soviets.Due to the threat of the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong worshiped the banner of the United States and the Soviet Union with Nesheson's diplomatic strategy.

Harvard professor Joseph Middot; Joseph S. Nye is important in the new book?From Roosevelt to Trump's presidential and foreign policy (Do Merrals Matter? Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump)National interests, and an important moral issue is how the president defines national interests.

Bynden's new government gradually returns to human rights diplomatic colors

After Bayeng came to power, the traditional human rights diplomatic color of the Democratic Party that the new government adhered to is gradually returning.

The first temporary temporary guidelines for the national security strategy published on March 3 clearly states that the United States will defend democracy, human rights and human dignity, including Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet.

In addition, the guide also mentioned that in many areas, the Chinese leadership seeks unfair advantages, adopts aggression and compulsory acting, and destroys the core rules and values of open and stable international systems.

Last month, Biden stated in an exclusive interview with Cable TV News Network that the United States must speak for human rights and believe that China must eventually bear the consequences.He explained that China is working to become a world leader.To get this title and do this, they must be trusted by other countries.As long as their activities run counter to basic human rights, it is difficult for them to do this.

Biden's human rights diplomacy also targets Saudi Arabia.Last month, the Biden government's decryption was reported by the Central Intelligence Bureau under Trump's investigation report on Saudi Journalist Kashuji, pointing directly to the imperial Salah approval to murder Kashuji.In the interview, Biden said: We will investigate their responsibility for human rights.Biden said that if Saudi Arabia still wants to deal with the United States, it must be regarded as an infringement of human rights and handled it in a corresponding manner.

It is said that the new Secretary of State Brills is responsible.He visited Japan and South Korea. On the return trip, he stayed in Alaska with national security adviser Sharvi on the 18th. He met with two Chinese diplomats Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi, but the signal showed that the two sides would face titles and insist on their opinions.(Press: This article is on the eve of the talks)

The White House regards this meeting as the opportunity to establish basic rules and define red lines.Brinken also emphasized that this is not a strategic dialogue, and currently has no intention of conducting a series of follow -up contacts.However, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded that this talk was a high -level strategic dialogue at the invitation of the United States.

According to Yingguang Chinese website, Yang Jiezheng asked each other to do his own country when he called in early February. He hoped that the United States would not interfere with China's internal affairs in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and other affairs.Blinden's response relative, directly indicating that the United States will continue to stand up for human rights and democratic values.

Avoid the historical repetition of the wrong judgment situation

At the beginning of this month, Wang Yi also issued a series of extensive warnings not to interfere with the Chinese internal affairs to the Bayeon government at the press conference.

Speaking of Taiwan, the Washington Post reporter Luo Jin has recently been in chaos in the new book (Chaos Under Heaven: Trump, XI, and the Battle for the Twenty-FIRST Century), and after Trump talked with Cai Yingwen in 2016,It was scolded by the media, and even the biggest mistakes in 40 years after bombarding, he had a great temper, and his attitude towards Taiwan suddenly turned cold, and he promised not to answer the call from Taiwan's leaders.

He was said to have told a Republican Senator privately in 2019; the distance between Taiwan and the mainland was only 2 feet, and we were 8,000 miles away. If we attacked Taiwan in mainland China, we would be helpless.(TAIWAN is like two feet from China, we are eight through miles away. If they infade, there is a f ** king things do about it.)

This book has caused discussions in Taiwan in the past few days. If the rumors are true, it will definitely be a heavy slap for the Tsai government, which is a call for a telephone number.

Trump's words are reminiscent of the consequences of a speech issued by the US Secretary of State Esseang in early 1950 after the CCP came to power in the end of 1949.Kenzon inadvertently revealed a shocking world.He said: The surrounding US defense is extended from the Alexian Islands to Japan, and then to Hellip; Hellip; then from Ryukyu to the Philippine Islands.The voices outside the string are that both South Korea and Taiwan are not in the protection of the United States.

Five months later, the North Korean army broke through the 38 -degree line, invaded the south, and broke out in the Korean War to shake the world.

Many historians and political scholars believe that Ericson's Perimeter Speech is to unify the green light on the Korean Peninsula to the Korean Peninsula to Pyongyang, inspiring Kim Il Sung's ambition.According to the archives and scholars' research reports released by China and Russia in recent years, Kim Il Sung had requested Stalin's approval before his troops. Stalin believed that the United States would not send troops and told Jin Richeng and Mao Zedong to force China to participate in the war.

Many of the so -called most influential famous sentences in the world have contained this speech that changes the world.The Pacific line of the United States before the Korean War was called the Essean defense line.In the Korean War documentary broadcast on cable TV, occasionally I can see that Esseson used a historic picture of a curved islands line defense with a pencil and a coffee cup.

So there is a new cold war that curbs strategic VS war wolf diplomacy.

In the interview with Yingguang, a scholar of Peterson Institute of International Economics, the Institute of International Economic Research said that China and the United States have opened a second Cold War, and the situation of the war may be ups and downs.But Sino -US relations are basically impossible to return to the Bush and Obama era.